Pbackup 3.1.9-1

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#121 Post by zigbert »

Thanks for bug feedback. I'll ship an update (2.0.1), just give some time. Maybe to night?

I couldn't make to reconstruct the missing path in 'save from'. A stupid question: Did you select the path, or did you dive into it. Pbackup uses the xdialog file selector, and it requires that you dive into the directory to select it. :?
A confirmation of removal of backup directory would be handy as would the ability to choose more than 1 directory at a time to add to the backup list.
Yes, that's a good idea.

Please test when update arrives, and give feedback.

Thanks, Sigmund

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#122 Post by zigbert »

veronicathecow reported a bug in version 2.0.0.

Bug: Backup to HD, uncompressed, fails when filename contain sapces.
Now fixed.

This bug also follows 2.1.0 and 2.2.0. It will be fixed for the next development release.

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#123 Post by veronicathecow »

Hi, I've just tried with 2.2.0 and to a "no spaces" directory it seems to work fine, but to one with spaces I now get nothing at all, no strange Rox windows opening and no files copied
Is there a later version for me to try than 2.2.0?
Thanks again for hard work.
P.S. Any chance of a verify tick box?

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#124 Post by zigbert »

is there a later version for me to try than 2.2.0?
Coming soon. Including your bugfixes.
P.S. Any chance of a verify tick box?
Please explain.


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#125 Post by veronicathecow »

Hi Sigmund, with things like K3B you have a small tick box if you would like the program to check that all files have been successfully copied over I.E. A binary comparison (Or MD5 checksum, I'm not sure about these but that is what K£B uses)
At a college I used to work at the staff regularly backed up files. One day the HDD died and they tried to restore only to find the backups had not been properly working!
Many thanks

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#126 Post by zigbert »

I see. In Pbackup you get the filemanager, just to check yourself, but I'll keep that in mind.

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#127 Post by zigbert »

Version 2.3.0 is uploaded. See main post.

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#128 Post by veronicathecow »

Hi Zigbert, have just tried version 2.3.0 and get the following error when trying to save to a directory with spaces in "You have to choose a directory"
It works fine on one without spaces.
Also could there be a "New Job" button? (Also perhaps buttons for Save, Load, Delete.) I got confused on how to create a new job when firsting using this program

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#129 Post by zigbert »

Version 2.3.1 is uploaded. See main post.

I couldn't see the trouble with spaces in my latest work. Do you still got it? Else there is a bugfix when syncing several directories in one operation.

I changed the menu 'Save job' to 'New job'. I hope that is clearer. I don't want too many buttons around. Also, working with jobs is 'advanced use', and I don't want to scare :evil: users too much.

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#130 Post by zigbert »

Version 2.3.2 is uploaded. See main post.

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#131 Post by veronicathecow »

Hi again, still problems I am afraid. I am using 2.16 alpha/beta if that makes any difference.
When I choose any of the backups listed (Test for instance but they all do the same) and try Inspection is shows nothing in the log and when I click on Finished the window just disappears.
If I click on backup it says "No files to back up". If I click on Error fixed continue" it just repeats that cycle. The Save from contains nothing now and the To box should have hda2 in it....
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#132 Post by zigbert »

Hello Tony

- 1. I haven't tried 2.16 yet. There has been a upgrade of mkisofs and cdrecord, but if burning else work for you, I don't think the problem i here. But in short time I will also upgrade to 2.16.
- 2. You The log shows nothing / No files to backup:
When 'backup recent files' the point is to backup files since last backup. Your picture shows 'From date' 09/05/2007. That is today, and if you haven't changed or made any files today, there is no files to backup. BUT...the bugs are clear:
A. When running inspect mode, 'From date' should't change.
B. When running inspect mode, the finish dialog didn't show inspected files. (They were only shown in logbox)
We need a updated version 2.3.3. Thanks!
- 3. Click on finished-button, program will end. (Else you check 'do real backup' in inspect mode.)

I still wonder why your 'save from' was cleaned for the weekend, and why 'save-to' wouldn't hold hda2. I haven't got any of these problems here. Could you try to explain in detail what you did to do that. It seems that the config file hasn't been written for any reason... What's the filesystem on hda2? Does it hold wine? Are there symlinks that points to directory? Did you choose 'Follow symlink'? What's your exact settings? Config file for job 'test' is /root/.pbackup/profiles/test.

If you find anything more, please shout. There is no use of a not-working-backup-program.

I hope version 2.3.3 is one step futher.


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#133 Post by veronicathecow »


Morning Sigmund, have just been trying 2.3.3 and thought I would try a little something. (Had I mentioned I am using a Full HDD install on ext3?)
I cleared all previous backup jobs and folders and created a new job to copy from one place on a sata to another on a pata.
I then closed down Pbackup and then reloaded it. That is the first screen shot. Whilst the job remains the details have been lost.

Next I deleted that job and recreated it (I found that if you go into the actual folder you get an error saying you must select a folder so I have to select the folder in the list but not enter it, did I missunderstand you before, I thought you had to dive into the folder) Include subdir and allow automounting are enabled. There are no spaces in the destination which is shown on the next image. The image after that is the resuls box.
I then clicked on finished and the box disappeared and Pbackup had fully closed down.
This backup was successful

Now I open up Pbackup and the job is still listed and has retained settings. I run it a second time and it is also fine (having deleted the backed up files.

Next I change it to a directory with spaces and run it and this now also works fine, excellent work, thank you.
Now I create a job for syncing. Same specs and it all works.
Note that file manager is not coming up after any of these backups.

I will now be using it on a regular basis so will let you know if I find any bugs, thanks ever so much for this essential utility, I would recomend it to anyone!
P.S. Any chance of dialog boxes accepting keystrokes as well as mouse. I find things so much more ergonomic when I don't have to go "Keyboard, mouse, keyboard, mouse etc" I suffer from RSI (Repetitive strain injury and lots of computer work causes me a lot of pain)
pbackup2p3p2 job ran.jpg
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pbackup2p3p2 with job.jpg
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#134 Post by veronicathecow »

Hi, just download and tried 2.3.3 Until now I hadn't realised quite how this program works. I assumed that when you choose the job from the list that was the active job, I didn't know you had to "Load" the job! This makes a lot more sense now. (I can be very thick so make in some ways an excellent tester 8-)
Can I suggest that the current highlight job should be the "Active" job and did not need loading as such? You could then remove the active job Dialouge box and it would automatically show the parameters of the active job.

Also could a save or abandon changes box be added for when exiting the program by whatever method?

I tried the default backup and got the following error "Too many files in search path" See image for details.
pbackup2p3p3 to many.jpg
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#135 Post by zigbert »

Tony, you have done a great job here.
P.S. Any chance of dialog boxes accepting keystrokes as well as mouse. I find things so much more ergonomic when I don't have to go "Keyboard, mouse, keyboard, mouse etc" I suffer from RSI (Repetitive strain injury and lots of computer work causes me a lot of pain)
I'm sorry 'bout that. For the moment you have to live with it.
Also could a save or abandon changes box be added for when exiting the program by whatever method?
I guess a checkbox - (Save changes to job 'name') should do?
I tried the default backup and got the following error "Too many files in search path" See image for details.
I know. Your Puppy isn't new, and root-dir is used of very many proccesses. Maybe /root/my-documents/ could be the default?

You're absolutely right adout how loading jobs should work. My challenge are to get it done in gtkdialog, which has limited features. I'm thinking... ... ...yepp, it should be doable. But it will need some redesign of the guicode. This will take some time. Let's see if I get some Bash-hours during the weekend.
I can be very thick so make in some ways an excellent tester Cool
Yeah, I guess you're thick. Welcome, you have become one of us :wink:

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#136 Post by veronicathecow »

Yup root/my-documents sounds like a very good choice.
You are doing great work, it's been fun being a small part of it.

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#137 Post by zigbert »

Version 2.3.4 is uploaded. See main post.

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#138 Post by zigbert »

Version 2.3.5 is uploaded. See main post.

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#139 Post by veronicathecow »

Hi Zigmund, I'm afraid I've run into a problem or two. I'm using 2.3.5
I can't seem to select the backup I have made. Please see the screen shot.
I tried to do a backup but it tried to take from the default and put it to CD
pbackup2p3p5 tax backup.jpg
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#140 Post by zigbert »

veronicathecow. Please try to be more specific. I try to reproduce your bug, but can't make it. Is it so, that you aren't able to make any jobs with nothing else but default values? How do you make a job - step by step? How do you activate the job?

I need to know how you use Pbackup. Like this I can upgrade it to work the way other people think. I know this program too well, and I often manage it the same way as the programmer did. :wink: Tester and developer shouldn't be the same person. Thank you for the very important work you do.

Sigmund, Zigmund, Ziggi, Freud or Zigbert.

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