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Posted: Wed 17 Nov 2010, 15:32
by playdayz
To play real audio ra files and some others ...

Real Player 11

Posted: Wed 17 Nov 2010, 15:45
by stu90
Having a bit of trouble with( AMD k8) CPU scaling tool requiring to reset it each boot .

I went ahead and added the code from cpu frequency scaling script in start up to rc.local file (should this file be a script?)

content of rc.local file:

Code: Select all

modprobe fbcon

if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall ]; then
  /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall start
modprobe evdev

modprobe acpi-cpufreq
modprobe cpufreq-ondemand

cd /sys/devices/system/cpu
for i in `ls -d1 cpu[0-9]*`; do

  echo ondemand > $i/cpufreq/scaling_governor
  echo 800000 > $i/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq
  echo 1600000 > $i/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq

echo 95 > cpufreq/ondemand/up_threshold

Posted: Wed 17 Nov 2010, 16:31
by nooby
Vi&Fe wrote:
Vi&Fe wrote:Hi to all...
I have instaled the Puppy to my old, old, old P300.
Now, someone give me this ACCTON EN1660 Ethernet Adapter, and i what to connect it to my PC.
It uses an ISA slot...

Help please

Is the first time I'm using Linux

PS: sorry for my english.
can someone help me please???????
I guess your chance to get a good answer are much bigger if you start a new thread in the beginners part of the forum.

And there tell more about how you installed and what happens and not happens.

By install you maybe mean you did a full install or frugal install or a Live CD install or an USB install or what?

You can copy from your post here if you have two windows or to tabs open in the browser.

Try to chose a title that describe what you want to get help with.

The ethernet adapter

Are you using luci237 then?

How much memory does your P300. have? Sadly I can not help you but too few read here to be able to help you in this thread.

You should start a new thread in the beginners section so those who want to help beginners find your question for help.

/var/spool/cups permissions

Posted: Wed 17 Nov 2010, 17:11
by Mobeus
The permission of /var/spool/cups is 740. I do not think it wrong.
One last time and then I will be quiet about this.

/var/spool/cups owner-root group-root
permissions 740 rwx,r--,--

If you send a print job as user root from another machine – OK. User root has full permissions.
Samba configured to force user = root for printing.
User xyz does not exist in Puppy.
Send a print job as user xyz from a Windows client – print job fails. /var/spool/cups is read only to this user. The Puppy print server has no idea that a print job was sent because it is never written to /var/spool/cups.
Set /var/spool/cups to 770 rwx,rwx,-- (you might get away with 760)
Send a print job as user xyz from a Windows client – OK

Server is restarted. /var/spool/cups is 740 again. Windows clients cannot print anymore.

This is tested and repeatable with 5.1. Does Luci reset the permissions too?

Posted: Wed 17 Nov 2010, 17:51
by rhadon
playdayz wrote:What kind of radeon card is it?
It's a ATI Mobility Radeon 9600 M10 (as you can also see in my sig).
playdayz wrote:The radeon driver is fully functional, just slower than the ATI driver.
Yes, but that's the problem! Sorry that I wasn't clear at this point. :oops:
The Xorg_Full driver works fine for me for usual use. The problem: I'm one of those Compiz enthusiasts :D .With Compiz it's far too slow.

E.g.: scolling a complete site here in the forum with arrow down (Opera10.63portable):

luci-234 w/o CF: 4s
luci-234 with CF: 1min 44s

glxgears luci-234 w/o CF: ~1450 fp5s
glxgears luci-234 with CF: ~200 fp5s

I didn't measured with luci-237 but it's similar.

Mick provided me a newer radeon driver for testing but with ~1min it's better but still too slow :cry:
I saw a message that 9.3 was the last to support some mobility radeons.
Yes I also saw this. The problem: the lowest release to support x-org 7.5 seems to be 10.4. So no go for luci. :cry:

I hope, now you can better understand my situation.


Posted: Wed 17 Nov 2010, 18:06
by Sit Heel Speak
playdayz wrote:
rhadon wrote:No luck, trying to install the new ATI driver with :cry:
...You should not be using the 64 bit even if your computer is because Puppy Lucid isn't. Read back a page or two and see which set of kernel sources you need. Billtoo discovered that. Or just try the one I made. Thanks.
The Catalyst .pet which playdayz has made is working fine here on an AMD Athlon64 x2 (64-bit) running (32-bit) luci-237, but it should be clarified, that _is_ the correct source for both 32-bit and 64-bit machines and OS's; see for example this screen capture, showing the compile of under wary-098.

Posted: Wed 17 Nov 2010, 19:38
by abushcrafter
tubeguy wrote:
abushcrafter wrote:
playdayz wrote:Real audio was very interesting--still for low bandwidth I do not think there is any better codec.
yuck. real audio, mp3, acc, etc are rubbish compared to OGG/Vorbis!
I knew that was coming! :-)

icewm cpu status

Posted: Wed 17 Nov 2010, 19:56
by peebee

On luci237....

I have just discovered that the toggle control in the ICEwm Configuration Change app is a

Hide/Show toggle

whereas all the other items are Show/Hide toggles

So to get cpu status displayed in the tray you have to set the toggle to off to "not hide" it.....

Is this strange logic a puppy matter or an icewm matter??


Posted: Wed 17 Nov 2010, 21:08
by bigpup
rhadon wrote:
playdayz wrote:What kind of radeon card is it?
It's a ATI Mobility Radeon 9600 M10 (as you can also see in my sig).
playdayz wrote:The radeon driver is fully functional, just slower than the ATI driver.
Yes, but that's the problem! Sorry that I wasn't clear at this point. :oops:
The Xorg_Full driver works fine for me for usual use. The problem: I'm one of those Compiz enthusiasts :D .With Compiz it's far too slow.
I saw a message that 9.3 was the last to support some mobility radeons.
Yes I also saw this. The problem: the lowest release to support x-org 7.5 seems to be 10.4. So no go for luci. :cry: I hope, now you can better understand my situation.
Found this info about mobility video card driver support at AMD web site. Basic statement, get the driver from the manufacturer of the computer. ... ility.aspx

Posted: Wed 17 Nov 2010, 21:48
by playdayz
I saw a message that 9.3 was the last to support some mobility radeons.
Yes I also saw this. The problem: the lowest release to support x-org 7.5 seems to be 10.4. So no go for luci.

Oh. Dang. Looks like we're snookered.

Posted: Wed 17 Nov 2010, 21:50
by playdayz
The only other thing I found is that Puppy remaster live cd opened to: Xmesage 
Yes. I see that. I *think* it might be reading the 237 in luci and thinking it is puppy 237. If so then it will show when we change back to lupu 5.2. I hope ;-)

Posted: Thu 18 Nov 2010, 00:18
by Sit Heel Speak
rhadon wrote:
playdayz wrote:What kind of radeon card is it?
It's a ATI Mobility Radeon 9600 M10 (as you can also see in my sig)...
I saw a message that 9.3 was the last to support some mobility radeons.
Yes I also saw this. The problem: the lowest release to support x-org 7.5 seems to be 10.4. So no go for luci. :cry:
@Rolf:(ah, never mind, I've had time now to look it up)

***second question, to guru's: when splitting off the components into the DEV and the DOC .pet's...

...I assume all the .h files (headers) go into DEV...

...Do the .c and .o files *all* also go into DEV?

What about the .cmd files???

Does *all* of /lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod, go into the DEV???***

Posted: Thu 18 Nov 2010, 00:21
by playdayz
that *is* the correct source for *both* 32-bit and 64-bit machines and OS's;
This is true. I knew it. I schizzed out.

Posted: Thu 18 Nov 2010, 00:22
by playdayz
There was a problem downloading fluxbox from the PPM. That will be fixed in luci-238. That might explain the reports that PPM did not work.

If you have a problem with PPM please say what program you were trying to install. Thanks.

Posted: Thu 18 Nov 2010, 00:30
by Sit Heel Speak

Posted: Thu 18 Nov 2010, 01:28
by 01micko
Sit Heel Speak wrote:
...I assume all the .h files (headers) go into DEV...

...Do the .c and .o files *all* also go into DEV?

What about the .cmd files???

Does *all* of /lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod, go into the DEV???***
As far as I know just the .h files go to the dev.

Ha! I just did a Pfind and got 16000 hits for ".c".. all in /usr/src/linux/ er yes, kernel src is loaded! :lol:

Only other .c files are in /usr/share/doc, usually as examples.

Posted: Thu 18 Nov 2010, 01:43
by Sit Heel Speak
Hi Mick, thanks for the reply,

When you run and it auto-compiles Catalyst, you end up with 69 .c, .h, .o, and .cmd files under /lib/modules/fglrx, plus modules.order, modules.ofmap, and modules.ccwmap.

I'm wondering what to do with these. If they don't need to be in the regular Catalyst .pet, then I can split them off into a DEV and have the regular .pet be that much smaller. At least, that's my thinking.

Posted: Thu 18 Nov 2010, 03:02
by 01micko
Pity MU is so busy, he'd know for sure.
I reckon, once compiled, the .c and .o files are useless. The .h are the ones needed for compiling against. I don't know about the .cmd files I'm afraid.
The .h files could certainly go in a _DEV package, wouldn't be needed for everyday use I wouldn't think.

I'm still wrestling with compiz on my radeon 9200pro, not supported by catalyst 10.10.. did you know 10.11 is oot, within the last 24hrs?


Posted: Thu 18 Nov 2010, 03:12
by noryb009
.cmd files are commonly used in Windows (as an alternative to .bat). I'm not sure why it's in a linux installer, though.

Posted: Thu 18 Nov 2010, 05:24
by James C
Luci-237 live pfix=ram again, this time with Nvidia GeForce 8400 GS graphics. Initial boot,had working internet, sound and the correct resolution.
Installed Firefox 4.0b7 and Nvidia 260.19.12 driver.Everything looking good.

VIDEO REPORT: Lucid Puppy, version 237

Chip description:
product: G98 Board - 5610002u Chip Rev

Driver used by Xorg:

Video mode used by Xorg:
Resolution: Depth 24 Depth: "Display"

...the above also recorded in /tmp/report-video

# glxgears
6194 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1238.800 FPS
6297 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1259.400 FPS
6298 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1259.600 FPS
6050 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1210.000 FPS
6162 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1232.400 FPS