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Posted: Mon 06 Jul 2015, 20:15
by Mike7

Yup, that's the one (don't know which update). Gotta say that, aside from the old browser and possible networking problems from newer encryption, this puppy beats the heck out of Jemimah's Puppeee and even Carolite. My 1000HA Eeepc was never happier.


Posted: Mon 06 Jul 2015, 22:39
by ally
thanks keef

I will update the archive page


Posted: Tue 07 Jul 2015, 22:03
by Mike7

I downloaded and installed, but the browser wooldn't open. The package manager said there were missing libraries that it couldn't find in the repo packages, so that's what is probably hanging it up. I uninstalled it, thinking I'd look around for the missing packages, but I've never done anything like this and don't know if it's worth the time. What do you think?


Posted: Wed 08 Jul 2015, 19:21
by ally
was just throwing it out there, worked in puppeee but that's built on puppy 4

darry1966 has done some work upgrading older pups, he may be able to advise


Posted: Wed 08 Jul 2015, 19:41
by Arguser
HEllo Scottman,

Thanks for your answer. It seems it have not been a lot of activity in akita last year. Any special reason? I think that is a very good puppy, may be the best, so you msut go on!!! Any help i can try..

BEst regards


Posted: Wed 08 Jul 2015, 19:59
by Arguser
From the old browser problem, the best option is to take firefox from browser install and then go to help -about firefox. Will install the last version--
Another option that goes very well with akita is to use the portable version of firefox or chrome! You must have it in a flash disk and use it when you one! Very stable!

Posted: Thu 09 Jul 2015, 15:00
by Mike7
Hi, Arguser.
take firefox from browser install


Posted: Fri 10 Jul 2015, 17:07
by Arguser
Sorry, bad english.

Go to Menu
-Browser installer

Select Firefox (is version 17)

When already installed, go to firefox menu, help, about firefox

Then will start to update your browser.

Also if you find a wary pet from last firefox, i think will worlk, but not sure


Posted: Sat 11 Jul 2015, 21:41
by Mike7
Hi, Arguser.
When already installed, go to firefox menu, help, about firefox. . . Then will start to update your browser.
Okay, I understand.

I have now done a pendrive frugal install of Akeeeta from akeeeta-15-atom.tar.gz. It's nothing like Pup_301-eee. As much as I liked Pup_301-eee, I've got to say that Akeeeta beats it hands down. The large number of applications and control and configuration GUIs in Akeeeta make it the most user-friendly puppeee I've seen yet. The browser and wireless selectors, and the pup apps and pup control panels, are all gems. In fact, all functions have so many redundant apps that it's really hard to understand how they can be packaged into such a small iso (81Mb w/o browser).

I had pretty much decided on Carolite as my new default puppeee after puppeee-4.4 went south on me, but I'm fascinated by Akeeeta's flexibility and will play around with it for a while, especially the various browsers available, some of which I've never heard of (like TOR). Akeeeta is also very fast, while Carolite is too slow.

I do foresee one major problem with Akeeeta: its Frisbee is not working properly and I had to fall back on Pwireless2, which is fortunately there as an alternative. Pw2 may not be able to resolve modern WAP keywords, though (it doesn't in Puppeee-4.4).

But Scott Jarvis deserves a round of applause for Akeeeta. I hope he keeps the repo updated as much aspossible.


Posted: Mon 13 Jul 2015, 21:59
by Arguser
For the "browser problem" another good option is portable browsers
You can use it independent of puppy version you are probing.

In my case, much more stable, very good if you have low ram and no swap partition.

Thanks to shinobar. ... 11f8cbfbd2

Another option for stability are swap files,. only my experience, not profesional opinion!

Posted: Thu 16 Jul 2015, 02:08
by Mike7
For the "browser problem" another good option is portable browsers
I am looking into this, but first I want to try out all the browsers available in the Browser Selector.
Another option for stability are swap files
Do you know if I can create a swap partition on a USB flash drive, or swap files? (Difference?) If so, how would I do it?


Posted: Thu 16 Jul 2015, 04:11
by musher0
Mike7 wrote:Arguser-
Another option for stability are swap files
Do you know if I can create a swap partition on a USB flash drive, or
swap files? (Difference?) If so, how would I do it?

Hello, Mike.

Yes you can create a swap partition on a USB flash drive, the usual way,
as you would on any hard drive -- using gparted.

Since USB drives are usually smaller than hard drives, a small swap
partition of 0.5 Gb (+/- 512 Mb's) to 1 Gb will do fine.

Another solution, perhaps less demanding, is to use one of the smaller
ready-made swap files available here.

Simply copy the swap file on your USB next to your main puppy_xyz.sfs
and insert the appropriate script lines in file rc.local at folder /etc/rc.d as
explained here.

As to the difference, swap files and swap partitions perform equally well
nowadays: one or the other doesn't matter any more.

Finally, don't worry about disk access to the swap file or partition wearing
out your USB drive too soon: swap files are seldom used if you have
even just a regular amount of RAM; swap files and partitions are meant to
absorb what would "overflow" from the RAM when you have many
programs running at once. In normal use of the Puppy, swap is not used.

I hope this helps.



Posted: Thu 16 Jul 2015, 09:58
by Mike7
Hi, musher0.
Yes you can create a swap partition on a USB flash drive, the usual way,
as you would on any hard drive -- using gparted.
I've never created a swap file, on hard drive or otherwise. Is it done by creating a new partition and choosing "linux-swap" as the file system?

What about the "mkswap" and "swapon" terminal commands? Do these need to be invoked if a partition is created with Gparted? Inversely, if a swap partition is made with mkswap, does anything need to be done using Gparted?

Below is a screenshot of Gparted showing the partitions on my 16Gb USB flash drive containing Carolite-1.2 (in sdb1).

Could I simply make a 1Gb swap partition in the unallocated 1.24 Gb third partition (using linux-swap)? If so, would I then have to add the bootcode "swapon" in menu.lst?

Thanks very much for your help with all this.


Posted: Thu 16 Jul 2015, 11:44
by Arguser
You have in
> MAke swap file (Or something like that)

For me works better than swap partition. Also, is not for intensive use, only for more stability. Try to keep low ram use, so you wont need it.

Swapoff you can use ir after, if for any reason you would not like to use it at that session.

Posted: Thu 16 Jul 2015, 12:16
by Arguser
Another packages

Workable SKYPE:

I convert slackos SFS Package
And take from the forum this library that is not in Akita

With this you can get skype working, with sound!

ALso, new tor browser.

Also take the SFS file from Smokey and convert SFS

YOu can take it from this yandex disk
SKype pulse audio



Or take the original and convert it yourself (Just right mouse button, select convert)

Then you can load sfs every session

Posted: Thu 16 Jul 2015, 12:52
by musher0
Mike7 wrote:Hi, musher0.
Yes you can create a swap partition on a USB flash drive, the usual way,
as you would on any hard drive -- using gparted.
I've never created a swap file, on hard drive or otherwise. Is it done by
creating a new partition and choosing "linux-swap" as the file system?

What about the "mkswap" and "swapon" terminal commands? Do these
need to be invoked if a partition is created with Gparted? Inversely, if a
swap partition is made with mkswap, does anything need to be done using

Below is a screenshot of Gparted showing the partitions on my 16Gb USB
flash drive containing Carolite-1.2 (in sdb1).

Could I simply make a 1Gb swap partition in the unallocated 1.24 Gb third
partition (using linux-swap)? If so, would I then have to add the bootcode
"swapon" in menu.lst?

Thanks very much for your help with all this.

Hello, Mike.

Thanks for your questions. Answers in no order:

Judging from your screen shot, yes you can create a swap partition in the
space you have left on your USB drive, by specifying the "Linux-swap"
format for that swap partition in Gparted. It's ok to use the remaining 1.25
Gb, but 512 Mb would be enough.

A swap partition is recognized and made operational automatically by the
Linux system at boot time. With a swap partition you don't need to use
any additional commands.

Different story with a swap file. As I said in the other thread, you need to
put some commands in file rc.local at /etc/rc.d, like this:

Code: Select all

# (...)
# swap file 
mkswap /mnt/home/pupswap.swp # mount it 
swapon /mnt/home/pupswap.swp # activate it 
echo 30 > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness # makes swapping less agressive 
# (...)
Important: Don't touch anything else in file rc.local.

And then you save, and you reboot your Puppy to make the new swap
file operational.

Once you have re-booted, to double-check, you can see if the swap file is
operational by typing "swapon -s" or "free" in a terminal.

I hope this answers your questions. I'm here if you have more.



Posted: Fri 17 Jul 2015, 01:11
by Mike7
musher0 wrote: Judging from your screen shot, yes you can create a swap partition in the
space you have left on your USB drive, by specifying the "Linux-swap"
format for that swap partition in Gparted.
Okay, I'll try that and see if it helps speed things up. (I doubt it will, but who knows? :-( )
I hope this answers your questions. I'm here if you have more.
Much appreciated.


Posted: Sat 25 Jul 2015, 15:41
by Arguser

How was that with swapfile???

Here are portable apps, go well with akita except google-chrome and clamav that are not working, i don t know the reason

Would be good to put last version of some packets like pburn, will try to do it.. Any help will thank in advande

Posted: Sat 25 Jul 2015, 20:15
by Mike7
Hi, Arguser.
How was that with swapfile???
I succeeded in creating a 1Gb swap partition on the unallocated 3rd partition of my pendrive. It is being used infrequently, only when RAM becomes totally occupied (which does happen if I have more than one or two browser windows open to youtube).

OTOH, I doubt it does anything to speed up the computer (still running Carolite-1.2, now with Firefox 38.0.5). I am trying all sorts of other things to increase speed, like reducing caches and keeping personal files out of the boot partition.

Carolite is still slow relative to Puppeee and Akita, but manageable. When I feel I have done all I can and Carolite is usable and stable, I will begin exploring ways to make Akita useful to me.
Here are portable apps, go well with akita except google-chrome and clamav that are not working, i don t know the reason
Thanks for the URL. These portable apps are one of the things I intend to try, in both Carolite and Akita. However, I have been told that, as regards Carolite, adding them now will not reduce the size of my save file even if I delete the old apps. I don't really understand why this would be so.

BTW, I don't see any google-chrome on that webpage. The only portable there that could interest me is Firefox, but it doesn't give the FF version number.

I did find a google-chrome portable on ... eSFS/pup5/. Is this the one you meant?

There are also Opera portables on that page of the repo, but, once again, they do not say which version of Opera they are based on. I won't download and install large files like these just to find out what version they are.

Shinobar's repo is extremely confusing to me. Not only are app version numbers missing, but I see no indication of why certain files are in certain folders.

Can you explain any of this?
Would be good to put last version of some packets like pburn, will try to do it.
Do you mean in the Akita repo?


Posted: Thu 30 Jul 2015, 00:36
by Arguser
About portable apps


Extract then on a flash usb memory

Then you will have a directory firefox----extracted

Go in, will have a strante icon, make click. Will offer to start download the last version diretly from firefox webpage. Put yes.
You will have in some minutes a new directory, also something like firefox-portable
Then, entry, press the firefox icon, and will open firefox!!

About pburn, it seems the official package is working in akita also!! And no, i have not acces to the repositoty, just open a yandex disk and put there some pets
I hope you can understand my answer