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Posted: Tue 20 Mar 2012, 18:50
by Iguleder
There's a guide, next to the code, in the "doc" directory.

And yes, now I found out everything to deleted. I just rebuilt the package repository completely this Saturday and synced it using LFTP, which removed all other files :cry:

Regarding "live USB" - do this to your device -

Code: Select all

dd if=/path/to/iso of=/path/to/device
and there you have a bootable stick. In my case, I used this:

Code: Select all

dd if=/mnt/sda6/subito-0.9.5.iso of=/dev/sdb
Use this with care! You can easily lose all your data this way - don't do this unless you're completely aware of all parameters and what they mean.

Posted: Wed 18 Apr 2012, 17:49
by zomzilla
so i am a little confused; using woof you are given the option to choose a base distro

does roar-ng do this?

maybe i should just run it and find out... :)

Posted: Wed 18 Apr 2012, 19:03
by Iguleder
The "base distro" in Woof means which distro to take all non-PET packages from.

In roar-ng, you can choose for each package, from which distro to take it. This way, you can use packages of more than one distro - way more flexible and generic! :wink:

Posted: Wed 18 Apr 2012, 19:16
by zomzilla

well in that case ( this is what i aim to end up with you see) how would just asking roar to download pacman + dependencies work?

when i have the time (soon! so soooooon lol) i intend to make and maintain a puplet that is rolling-release via a pacman (arch package manager) wrapper that uses arch packages as much as possible and also looks for most up-to-date puppy packages

how far would putting pacman in the list go?


i attached a as i couldnt find one when using roar

Posted: Wed 18 Apr 2012, 23:38
by gcmartin
Hi @Iguleder

In telling a colleague about your distro, they gave up without ever starting. They were turned off by the opening post where you "target" the location of the ISO as well as the DEVX files. Its near the bottom of the post under the tit "Subito GNU/Linux Alpha 1".

I know you moved them to GIT, but they didn't figure that out.


Posted: Sat 21 Apr 2012, 20:58
by nooby
gcmartin wrote:Hi @Iguleder

In telling a colleague about your distro, they gave up without ever starting. They were turned off by the opening post where you "target" the location of the ISO as well as the DEVX files. Its near the bottom of the post under the tit "Subito GNU/Linux Alpha 1".

I know you moved them to GIT, but they didn't figure that out.

Sorry if I interupt. Why would that make them hesitate?
I guess my poor English fails to get the way they think about it.

Posted: Mon 23 Apr 2012, 01:46
by starhawk
One more n00bish question from me... well, actually two.

(1) Does roar-ng build what could still be considered Puppy Linux, or is it its own brand of something new...? (Yes, I read the part about it being forked from Woof.)

(2) Could I build on ARM devices with roar-ng...? I'm thinking (if I can scrape together some money AND sell a bunch of stuff that's not going anywhere right now anyways) of getting a BeagleBoard-xM and somehow putting Puppy on that just seems like the right thing to do ;)

Posted: Mon 23 Apr 2012, 18:24
by Iguleder
1) Not at all. It's a distro similar to Puppy here and there, though - it shares no code with it.
2) Yes - any architecture. However, you'll need to be able to compile packages for it.

Posted: Mon 23 Apr 2012, 19:22
by starhawk
So, if I wanted to use roar-ng with ARM, I'd start with, for example, Debian-armel... would I have to run roar-ng on the intended target device itself (that might be difficult for me to figure out)...? or could I make the OS on, say, an x86 system and just copy bootable files to an SD card (much easier)?

Posted: Thu 26 Apr 2012, 09:10
by Iguleder
You can run build a distro with roar-ng on any architecture, for any architecture. However, to build packages, you'll have to run it on the target architecture.

In order to port my distro to x86_64 I ran roar-ng on a 64-bit distro, built all the packages, then built the ISO on Puppy.

Posted: Thu 26 Apr 2012, 17:49
by starhawk
OK, I think I understand... I'll give it a whirl if/when I get my beagleboard.

Posted: Fri 18 May 2012, 19:51
by nooby
Haha Iguleder you have humor.

You write
Be Smart

roar-ng is simple
Yes I know I am a very confused guy with a twisted? brain.
But "simple". Embarrassingly I fail to use even simple OS now.

Okay I download and give it another try. Anyway I love that you provide
such innovative products. Keep it coming. Always interesting to follow you
even when I don't get a thing of what you are doing due to my lack of know how.

Ooops too late one need to use GIT

I have no wishes to learn such is it mirrored somewhere
so I can download the iso like one use to do?

Posted: Fri 18 May 2012, 20:56
by Iguleder
Currently, there is no ready ISO available. If you run roar-ng with Subito's configuration, you'll end up with a polished and working image identical to the one I use.

However, I rewrote ncsplash (the boot splash tool of roar-ng, written in C) and fixed many bugs. Boot times are better than ever (partially because ncsplash is now much more efficient) and stability is superb.

I might upload an ISO of Subito GNU/Linux 1.0 soon. Seems ready for general consumption :p

Posted: Fri 18 May 2012, 21:18
by nooby
:) Happy Smile Icon :)

Posted: Sat 19 May 2012, 07:49
by Iguleder
Uploading the 1.0.0 stable release to this directory. It's 248 MB, since the ISO contains the devx.

Here's the list of the ISO contents:

Code: Select all

88M     devx_subito-1.0.0.sfs - the devx module, with development stuff
159M    initrd.gz - the initramfs, which contains the entire distro, including the main SFS
24K     isolinux.bin - the El Torito boot image
4.0K    isolinux.cfg - the boot loader configuration
8.0K    logo.lss - a 16-color logo image
4.0K    message.txt - the boot loader's help message
2.2M    vmlinuz - the kernel image
It's about the same size as an equivalent Puppy, with some minor additions, such as Mesa and SDL.

Also, it has much more drivers, since Puppy's kernels usually have slightly reduced functionality to save size. I believe it's wrong - the kernel package of this build is 14 MB (smaller than Puppy's!) and provides much better hardware support.

I tested it only on two machines - my Asus Eee PC 1001PX (N450, 1 GB RAM, Atheros WiFi, Intel GMA 3150, Intel HDA) and a desktop machine (Core 2 Duo E6320, 2 GB RAM, no WiFi, GeForce 7300GS, Intel HDA). Worked flawlessly on both - Nouveau is included, so the latter had an accelerated framebuffer console, KMS goodness and good performance.

Posted: Sat 19 May 2012, 07:57
by Lobster
Could it still be uploading Igu?
Only md5sums.txt in that directory . . . :?

Posted: Sat 19 May 2012, 08:01
by Iguleder
Yes, still uploading, as I said - it's 248 MB. :wink:

EDIT: done uploading!

EDIT 2: started working on a nice experiment. It's pretty stable and snappy, so I think it's time for fun experiments!

I'm trying to build a minimal Puppy-like skeleton which contains the JWM and ROX-Filer configuration files - sort of an add-on that can be put on top of Subito to make it feel like Puppy. If it works nicely, I might add a menu generator and some graphical applications.

I attached a screeny of what I have so far - it works pretty well!

Posted: Sat 19 May 2012, 17:54
by nooby
Thanks, I wonder, what if one have Subito 0.9 in a subdir
I guess that maybe the script find that one? How can I hide it?
Does it look inside if I rename it to subito-09

I have to find my old grub4dos code that booted the 0.9
and see if it boot this one too.

Edit using Subito and Links browser
Testing to write from within Subito 1.0.0
using Links browser so have no practice on Links.
Now I only have to find the submit button.

Rebooted back in Lupu
Edit using Lupu. Jay it worked. MHHP taught me to write dhcpcp
or whatever it was now I've already forgotten but it worked.
And then more by accident I got Links going
I guess that MHHP has told me how to use the file manager
but I don't get how to. And I maybe need to do mount of the NTFS hd too
or even to install nfs-3g something before I can boot it?

I feel like back in 1986 when I used Ms DOS and other DOS varieties.
And did not Xerox have some named CM/L whatever. I fail to remember
but one used the command line a lot.

Anyway fun to test even if I have no idea how to get ROX or Thunar going
or how to get Firefox going either. I guess one have to get terminal or use the command line and apt-get or something.
Yes there exist some FAQ or Wiki but I usually fail to understand such text. Drowning in details and not knowing where to look

Thanks for providing Subito. I have to wait until I know how to read such things.

oops I used this code to boot frugal install.
title subito rootnoverify (hd0,1)
find --set-root --ignore-floppies --ignore-cd /subito/initrd.gz
kernel /subito/vmlinuz boot_mode=live sleep=5
initrd /subito/initrd.gz

I guess it would have worked using this one too?

title subito rootnoverify (hd0,1)
rootnoverify (hd0,1)
kernel /subito/vmlinuz boot_mode=live sleep=5
initrd /subito/initrd.gz

What is the feature or good effect of adding boot_mode=live ?
I used Subito 0.9 without boot_mode=live

Posted: Sat 26 May 2012, 08:45
by Iguleder
I built a new homepage for Subito GNU/Linux, with full instructions for building it.

The "boot_mode" boot code is removed - now there's only way to make Subito persistent (the "home" boot code, which accepts a partition name or UUID). If you want to test Subito, the easiest way is creating a bootable flash drive.

Regarding package management - Subito has a package managed called "hpm", which is a simple shell script. It has its own package format (called "RXZ") and that's the only format supported by hpm.

By the way - I got JWM and ROX-Filer working pretty well, but there are no graphical applications, so it still doesn't look and feel like Puppy.

Posted: Thu 21 Jun 2012, 04:31
by harii4
ISO: subito-0.9.5.iso
This link to the ISO is an dead link .....any other links??? :(