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Posted: Tue 08 Sep 2009, 01:27
by luther349
ill give it a shot. if it works ill do a relese after the beta is over.

Posted: Tue 08 Sep 2009, 16:48
by alex12
luther349 wrote:ill give it a shot. if it works ill do a relese after the beta is over.
Thanks, pupeee 4.3 would be so nice on my 1000he.

Posted: Tue 08 Sep 2009, 17:29
by jgbpup
+1 DIDO here, for the 701SD !

Posted: Wed 09 Sep 2009, 04:10
by jemimah
I've got the new eee seashell and I've been tinkering with puppy for a few weeks now. I built a custom kernel and got the boot time down to 15 seconds so far (I think 10 is possible). I just tried out the new Xorg on it and I haven't had any problems with it - DRI2 and KMS are working.

I also just discovered FLWM and find that it's a huge usability win on a cramped screen compared to JWM. The vertical title bars solve the problem where tall windows have their buttons stuck offscreen, and the window placement algorithm is definitely superior for limited screen real-estate.

I am thinking of releasing a seashell-only version of puppeee 4.3 if anyone has any interest.

Posted: Thu 10 Sep 2009, 06:39
by ardeema
How important is the diet when it comes to a workout plan? I read these magazines that have these excellent workout plans. I do the workouts, but I don't do the crazy diet that they show with it. I don't eat a lot of egg whites and things like that, but I do make sure I eat healthy and drink protein shakes like "Muscle Milk". Is it important to follow the diet plan that they have in these magazines? I mean, prisoners don't follow a series diet plan and they come out pretty ripped.

Posted: Sat 12 Sep 2009, 02:56
by alex12
jemimah wrote:I am thinking of releasing a seashell-only version of puppeee 4.3 if anyone has any interest.
I don't have a seashell but can you post screenshots.

Posted: Sun 13 Sep 2009, 02:14
by jemimah
Here's a screenshot of flwm on puppy. The downside of flwm is that all your customizations must be compiled in.

I've also modified and compiled a version of lxlauncher - thinking about the possibility of a 'puppy netbook remix' type puplet. I'll post some pets when I think I've got this stuff stable.

Posted: Sun 13 Sep 2009, 07:01
by luther349
i think you mean a flwm version. i stick with jwm being its part of the original puppy. anything you wanna add i leave to the user. but so far with the beta of puppy everything works. i just might add stuff like the acpi scripts and eee controle. your also talking abought lxde i was looking into using that as well as a separate version. most people like the fact i kept it stock and small.

Posted: Sun 13 Sep 2009, 17:02
by jemimah
I agree that puppeee should probably be kept stock as possible. However, I do think that having a few more interesting options hurts nothing.

An argument could be made to replace jwm though, since it is a pain on a short screen because some of the puppy dialog windows are taller than 600 pixels. You can't press the buttons without doing an alt-drag, which is not easy on a trackpad. The proper solution would be to fix those dialogs to be shorter, but that's more invasive than switching to flwm.

Posted: Sun 13 Sep 2009, 17:56
by jemimah
ok so I just checked - perhaps it is only the dial-up modem window that is too tall. It's probably easier to just fix that one.

Posted: Mon 14 Sep 2009, 11:40
by luther349
yea the network wizard is to tall changing the wm wouldn't change that. but the stuff you need you can get to so its a non issue. some 701 sd owners said not even the new beta works for there wifi so ill have to add support for them. so a new pupeee is gonna happen. being its still needed. rember i did post the driver for 701sd machines as a addon for 4.2 look on my first post.

i do like lxde its a awesome light window manager and i can make it have that netbook remix look. but it would also double the size of the distro. lxde uses alot of libs. i do believe they are working on a pet version of lxde so adding it to puppy will be simple and easy.

i thought beta 2 was the last one but now its beta 3 puppy heh. once 4.3 hits final you guys need to tell me whats not working on what models so i can hunt down the fixes and package em into my little distro so most eee users get a out of the box experience.

Posted: Mon 14 Sep 2009, 11:56
by luther349
wanna knoe some sad stuff hear. i found 2 sites selling flash drives with pupeee 4.2 loaded on em. some people just suck.

Posted: Mon 14 Sep 2009, 14:27
by jemimah
The original version of lxlauncher has no dependencies that aren't already in puppy. The newer version needs the menu-cache library which compiles but seems not to work on puppy at all. The old version works fine, though it needs to be modified to know about puppy's menu structure. You don't need the whole lxde to run lxlauncher. I'll post a pet when I finish getting the menus fixed.

Also when the final 4.3 comes out I will give you the ethernet driver for the seashell which still needs to be compiled. You could probably cut 10 or 20 MB off of the SFS file and 5 seconds off the boot time by using a custom netbook kernel, but it is a bit of work testing it.

You should probably be flattered that someone is trying to sell puppeee. There must be demand if someone thinks they can profit. :) But I have a thought about that - is there a reason to have puppeee on an ISO at all? EEEs don't typically have an optical drive, why not have a usb stick image instead? Even better if it's a point and click install to a usb drive. Getting an ISO onto a usb drive is not an obvious process, which is why people are trying to sell pre-installed drives.

Posted: Mon 14 Sep 2009, 20:22
by luther349
yea i have seen the gigafast driver for the seashell. using a new kernel in pupee isnt to hard but then i would be using woof and really building from scratch. but i was conserding doing it for the 2.6.30 kernel that has support for the 701sd and pretty much every other netbook out there. looks like beta 3 has 2.6.30 :D

i don't have a entire line of netbooks to test the pupeee distro on. just my 900a. so i dig around for other models and known fixes. as for people trying to make a profit its just not the sprit of linux and is acutely disallowed by the gpl but they use that its a service loophole. when my original power cord got destroyed none helped me with a replacement. gotta rember its not just my work there trying to profit off the puppy devs the guys that made the fixes all the way down to linus himself.

as for the iso its very easy to send it to the flash drive. its called unetbootin its for linux and windows. has a easy gui and done in just a minute or so.

once i get 4.3 out i am thinking of making a pupeee desktop edition. pupeee d will have stuff like firefox 3.5 flash 10 java mplayer pidgin adblock flashblock and the plugin so divx online streaming works as well and if its not to crazy to addon the lxlauncher interface as well as dri.

Posted: Mon 14 Sep 2009, 21:31
by jemimah
You don't need to use woof to replace the kernel. You can just edit the sfs file and initrd to replace the modules. I tried the 2.6.28 array kernel though, and the unionfs panicked bigtime - not sure if it's fixed in the .30 array kernel. If I can get a decent list of what hardware support is needed, I could add it to my tweaked seashell kernel, and we could have some people test it with the different eee's. My current build is a stripped down version inspired by the Moblin kernel.

In my opinion, it would make sense to package unetbootin or something similar with puppeee - to make it simpler for non-technical people to figure out what to do. That way, added service is not needed.

Posted: Mon 14 Sep 2009, 23:45
by luther349
well as i said beta puppy has 2.6.30 so all is good on that front. they wont be many issues with drivers in puppy 4.3 at least not with netbooks. i will be addin this to puppy being it works in 2.6.30

Goin Crazy Here!

Posted: Wed 16 Sep 2009, 18:34
by scprosser
Ok guys, brain dead moment...I've got an Asus EeePC 700 (2G Surf), I had Pupeee 4.2 installed to the SSD before so it would boot from the SSD, and everything ran fine...then I got dumb, tried a few other OS versions, and now am back to Pupeee...using the same disc I installed from before, and do you THINK I can get it to install, so that I don't have to boot from a USB device or SD Card! Not to save my friggin life!

I'm about ready to smash the damned thing off a wall.

I've gone in with GParted, wiped the partition, started over with a fresh partition, remembered to set the partition to boot in GParted, done a frugal install, named my save file, no issues...but when I reboot, I cannot boot from the SSD, plug in a USB stick or a USB DVD Rom, and off she goes, no prob, so OBVIOUSLY I'm missing something! If one of the guru's could tell me what I'm missing, I'd LOVE to be back to booting just from my netbook itself!


Never Mind, found the issue, and seem to have it fixed now *crosses fingers*

Wish me luck, I'm goin in!

Posted: Thu 17 Sep 2009, 00:04
by cthisbear
"Never Mind, found the issue, and seem to have it fixed now *crosses fingers*

Wish me luck, I'm goin in! "

Please post your fix for the benefit of others.


Posted: Thu 17 Sep 2009, 00:46
by tempestuous
luther349 wrote:i will be addin this to puppy being it works in 2.6.30
That's elmurato's Eeeasy Scripts for hotkey support.
They require extra utilities, such as acpid, and some of the scripts are incompatible with Puppy, so some hotkeys would fail.

Forum member jakfish and I are currently testing Puppy 4.3-compatible Eee hotkey scripts, based on the scripts from "fewt" here
We're almost there.

Posted: Thu 17 Sep 2009, 03:27
by luther349
nice. i once again attempted dri on beta 3 with the new drivers and boom black screen. that's just not gonna happen with puppy as it is.