Page 6 of 8

Posted: Mon 27 Apr 2009, 00:21
by bigbeck
CavedOOde wrote: NYP, Unnamed and puppy 4.2 SMP are the only pups that run on the machine.
G_Pup will also work on the Compaq CQ-60. It works on mine.


Posted: Mon 27 Apr 2009, 20:39
by MU
Some people disturbed, that the network card is assigned to "eth1".
It seems, this can be easily solved.


Comment the two entries there with a "#", like this:

Code: Select all

# PCI device 0x10ec:0x8168 (r8169)
#SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="00:e0:4d:4c:26:f1", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth0"

# PCI device 0x10de:0x054c (forcedeth)
#SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="00:1e:90:4a:40:c2", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth1"
After a reboot, the file looks like this:

Code: Select all

# PCI device 0x10ec:0x8168 (r8169)
#SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="00:e0:4d:4c:26:f1", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth0"

# PCI device 0x10de:0x054c (forcedeth)
#SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="00:1e:90:4a:40:c2", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth1"

# PCI device 0x10de:0x054c (forcedeth)
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="00:1e:90:4a:40:c2", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth0"
The original file in the puplet has just one line:

Code: Select all

# PCI device 0x10ec:0x8168 (r8169)
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="00:e0:4d:4c:26:f1", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth0"
I will comment this line in the next Newyearspup, so eth0 should be set as default.


Posted: Sat 02 May 2009, 05:57
by legendofthor
Incredible job Mark - I am astonished that you seem to have surpassed the larger distros for cutting edge...

Just wondering though.....
A friend has an ati crossfire system (two graphics cards) - would the ati drivers in NYP activate 3d rendering for this system - or am I asking too much?

If it does we then have another linux and puppy convert.


Posted: Sun 03 May 2009, 05:49
by gabe
Sorry if I didn't pick this up from the previous 8 pages, but exactly what versions of Puppy will these drivers (your .pets) work on? I've heard talk about Unnamed puplet, NYP, and even SMP4.2. Does it work on all of these? How about stock 4.2?

As much as I long for elimination of video tearing (which I believe graphics cards will do), I don't want to downgrade to the Puppy4.1x series since it has some problems and general lack of aesthetic appeal.

So where will your drivers work? Is it tied to a specific kernel?

Posted: Sun 03 May 2009, 07:40
by Sage
eth1/eth0 - thanks, Mark. Unfortunately, it hasn't happened quite like that. I had to edit in the third paragraph. That was OK and the network setter then showed eth0 and it worked. However, the 'mounting drives' message had now become persistent until I deleted the error message mentioned elsewhere.
Then Google Earth stopped working - it appeared to start loading, but the rotating arrow stopped with no app loaded (same from CLI).
I tried to edit /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
back to its original state. It saved OK, but, upon reboot, the edited version had returned with the extra portion and eth0 default. Tried to edit it several more times - no go.
Google Earth still not working - eth0 still default.
Seems I've broken something!

And just to add insult, network settings still refuse to save???

Posted: Sun 03 May 2009, 07:43
by MU
the kernel related drivers like virtalbox or graficscarddrivers work only for the kernel they were compiled for.

puppy411 kernel- Xorg-7.4 LXDE and the latest newyearspups use the same Kernel, so the pets work in both.
They do not work in Standard Puppy.

Also several other pets will not work in Standard Puppy, those that contain applications based on Gtk2.

Puppy uses an oldr version, where not all dependencies are available, like libgio.

So only few pets/sfs will work in a Standard Puppy, for example Java.


Posted: Sun 03 May 2009, 08:43
by Sage
above edit, Mark!

Posted: Sun 03 May 2009, 09:41
by MU
editing the rules requires to reboot, or it also might work to type:
/etc/rc.d/rc.udev stop
/etc/rc.d/rc.udev reload
/etc/rc.d/rc.udev start


/etc/rc.d/rc.udev stop
/etc/rc.d/rc.udev force-reload
/etc/rc.d/rc.udev start

The original file looks like this:

Code: Select all

# PCI device 0x10ec:0x8168 (r8169)
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="00:e0:4d:4c:26:f1", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth0"
This asigns eth0 to that specific mac adress. I just can suspect where it comes from, it might be a setting from wows computer.
As consequence, all other detected cards get a higher number like eth1.

By commenting it, my computer now uses eth0 after a reboot, and I had not problems so far.
So I can give no further clues.
If you encounter problems, type:
Maybe there errors show up.

Posted: Sun 03 May 2009, 16:46
by gabe
MU wrote:graficscarddrivers work only for the kernel they were compiled for. ... They do not work in Standard Puppy.
Forgive me, I'm trying to understand. If the graficscarddrivers only work with these two unofficial puplets, then how would it be possible to get my graphics card to work for normal Puppy (or newer Puppy like the 4.2 SMP or 4.21)?

Also, you say that "they only work for the kernel they were compiled for"--does this mean they won't work on newer kernels either? (like, which all the new Puppy stuff like 4.21 is going to be based on?). Again, forgive me, but this doesn't seem to make any sense to me that they'd work on one kernel and not on older or newer ones.

Why wouldn't they work? Is it linux's fault?
Is there a way to convert the .pet? Or would you be forced to do (a lot of) extra work just to make it work on these different "kernels"?

All I want to do is play video without tearing...

Posted: Sun 03 May 2009, 17:26
by MU
what card?
What driver?

you can of course compile drivers for other kernels.
Just the binary pets will not work.
Also ultrapup uses a newer xorg than Puppy, so the pets for graficsdrivers are not compatible.
But there are pets for Puppy, like Ati/Nvidia.

More details please:
what card do you have
What Puppy (exactly, e.g. kernelversion) do you want to use...

Posted: Mon 25 May 2009, 07:43
by battleshooter
Hi everyone,

I'm having a noobie moment and can't figure out how to get back the bar at the bottom of the screen that shows what programs you've got open. :?

I got rid of it (at least so I think) while playing round with the "Openbox Configuration Manager". I was trying to figure how to get windows to not overlap with the top bar and bottom bar. Excuse the bad terminology, don't know what either are called :oops: Thanks :D


Posted: Mon 25 May 2009, 09:50
by MU
right click the top bar, then choose "add new panel".
Then right click the new one to add things like a taskbar.


Posted: Mon 25 May 2009, 10:09
by battleshooter
Yes! :D Thanks Mark! You've no idea how annoying it wass getting with it missing... :D Thanks again

Battleshooter :)

Posted: Sun 31 May 2009, 01:41
by Master_wrong
I cannot find
Patched kernel source SFS:
[] sfs and md5sum inside, packed with SquashFS-LZMA-3.4

Posted: Sun 31 May 2009, 02:06
by Master_wrong
without patch, I can use pmount to mount ntfs patition so it also open in pcmanfm,

so is anyone can help me on instruction how to automount all partition with pmount everytime i boot up ?

thank you

Posted: Sun 31 May 2009, 02:06
by Master_wrong
without patch, I can use pmount to mount ntfs patition so it also open in pcmanfm,

so is anyone can help me on instruction how to automount all partition with pmount everytime i boot up ?

thank you

Posted: Sun 31 May 2009, 02:06
by Master_wrong
without patch, I can use pmount to mount ntfs patition so it also open in pcmanfm,

so is anyone can help me on instruction how to automount all partition with pmount everytime i boot up ?

thank you

Posted: Sun 31 May 2009, 02:09
by Master_wrong
sorry for doublepost, I'm confused with dillo...

Posted: Sun 31 May 2009, 05:08
by MU
kernelsource is here:

user: puppy
password: linux


Posted: Sun 31 May 2009, 08:46
by Master_wrong

this is great puplet... I'll surely use this
one thing confuse me however, from MU's puplet autoconnect seems broken, but from WOW's puplet, autoconnect work. I will post screenshot if you need.

Thank you very much for the quick answer and great puplet...