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Posted: Thu 16 Jun 2016, 04:40
by musher0
Many thanks, abhishek-kumar.

We need more Puppy-ists like you ! :)

Bye for now.

promote Puppy outside, not inside

Posted: Thu 11 Aug 2016, 01:54
by Pelo
As European teams, promote Puppy outside, not inside. These videos are created by Puppy members, not by external professional experts.
And with our Puppy tools from the menu. Teams are members who meet somewhere, in hungaria, they have an office, in Italia they have a Workshop and show Puppy Linux in international exhibitions.
France ? Bah.. still frozen... A Champion emigrates first to Shane, then USA to share his dynamism, it was to much for us, petits mangeurs de grenouilles.
Facebook :?: quelle honte, disent-ils (FaceBook, shame, shame on you, sing our french Toutou Linux VIPs)

Posted: Thu 11 Aug 2016, 02:50
by puppyluvr
:D Hello,
Well, although I believe my Puppy Linux Users Group with 2500 or so members worldwide on Facebook has done a lot to promote Puppy, (A lot more than 3 non "social media" websites I created ever could), I think MultiPup has been the most useful thing I ever did.
Not every puppy is right for every situation or equipment.
But the ability to carry a selection of them and determine which one works best on the spot is phenomenal...
That's why I made that s#%t!!!
Its current maintainers/developers have expanded it to USB as well.
Anyhow, take off your tinfoil hats and join the Facebook group!!
I could use some knowledgeable heads. Not that we don't already have some of the best. But the more the merrier. Especially if you are multilingual, because I'm not.....
Our Group represents people from every corner of the planet.
Yes, OUR Group...
Just look at who the administrator of the Puppy Linux Users Group on this forum is.....
So apparently now there is no Puppy Linux Users Group on this Forum...
But apparently I am the administrator of the Puppy Linux Documentation Project.
(Ironically the name of one of the very unsuccessful websites I started.)
Even though I named the Facebook group The Puppy Linux users group because I was the administrator of that page....
So what's up guys???

Posted: Thu 11 Aug 2016, 03:00
by Sailor Enceladus
@puppyluvr: What is multipup? What puppies does it have? I just use grub4dos to have many puppies and try new ones. :)

Posted: Thu 11 Aug 2016, 03:03
by puppyluvr

In hungaria they teach Puppy Linux

Posted: Sun 14 Aug 2016, 08:58
by Pelo
In hungaria they teach Puppy Linux , here a classroom.
Women are coming to our Puppy to give a little help to our seniors.

teenagers are the future.

Posted: Wed 17 Aug 2016, 15:55
by Pelo
teenagers are the future. A new lucid 525 justin Bieber would be a good idea, no need to change the wallpaper, Justin Bieber is still sucessful,

Re: How YOU Can Promote Puppy

Posted: Wed 22 Feb 2017, 17:04
by babule
benali72 wrote:The more people who use Puppy, the larger and more vibrant our community will be. The better for all of us. (and the better for all those who will benefit from their use of Puppy).

What can each of us do to promote Puppy?

Here are a few ideas... add your own to this thread. Then go out and DO it!

* Post on forums and mention Puppy
* Tell your co-workers at work about Puppy
* Tell your friends and IT peers about it
* Give a demo on Puppy at a local Linux users group
* Present on Puppy at school or at work
* Write an article on Puppy
* Put up a web site on Puppy
* Add a mention or testimony about your use of Puppy to your existing web site
(it doesn't matter what your web site covers)
* Post comments to online articles that mention Puppy as a solution or its benefits
* Install Puppy on machines for your family, friends, and relatives
* Install Puppy on machines that are then recycled for charity
* Help build the value of the Puppy community by participating in Puppy's forums

What do you do to promote Puppy?

What else can we do to promote Puppy?
U cant promote puppy.
There are NOT games for puppy and puppy dont play 3D games.
No good game no puppy.
No game no promotion gouf-gouf...

Re: How YOU Can Promote Puppy

Posted: Wed 22 Feb 2017, 17:11
by belham2
babule wrote:
benali72 wrote:The more people who use Puppy, the larger and more vibrant our community will be. The better for all of us. (and the better for all those who will benefit from their use of Puppy).

What can each of us do to promote Puppy?

Here are a few ideas... add your own to this thread. Then go out and DO it!

* Post on forums and mention Puppy
* Tell your co-workers at work about Puppy
* Tell your friends and IT peers about it
* Give a demo on Puppy at a local Linux users group
* Present on Puppy at school or at work
* Write an article on Puppy
* Put up a web site on Puppy
* Add a mention or testimony about your use of Puppy to your existing web site
(it doesn't matter what your web site covers)
* Post comments to online articles that mention Puppy as a solution or its benefits
* Install Puppy on machines for your family, friends, and relatives
* Install Puppy on machines that are then recycled for charity
* Help build the value of the Puppy community by participating in Puppy's forums

What do you do to promote Puppy?

What else can we do to promote Puppy?
U cant promote puppy.
There are NOT games for puppy and puppy dont play 3D games.
No good game no puppy.
No game no promotion gouf-gouf...
Somehow I think if Pups ever start getting STEAM to fully work in their OS, they will no longer be pups because of sheer size alone from installing all the dependencies to get STEAM to run.

So it is a catch22 situation here. Is or are pups remaining small, fast, lightweight, uber efficeint? Or are they going to become lumbering beasts like many of the various Linux distros out there that can run STEAM no problems but, again, are fat as a hog. :?:

Posted: Wed 22 Feb 2017, 17:17
by Mike Walsh
I guess, if you want to keep Pup lean'n'mean, yet still be able to attract those who want to be able to play up-to-the-minute games, it would need to be achieved by the use of very large SFS files.....which would include all the necessary dependencies, built-in.

That's the only way I can see round that one; making use of one of Pup's primary accessibility features.

LazY, where are you? This is right up your alley..... :lol:

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Wed 22 Feb 2017, 17:27
by drunkjedi
I already had "War Thunder" game installed in fatdog.
It's website provides simple run program which downloads game data (expanded occupies 3-4 Gb). No dependencies needed.
The game runs fine.

I don't have a good graphics card yet.
So ran in lowest graphics settings, but after completing tutorial and few battles got frustrated of blocked graphics that my onboard graphics card could manage.

Anyway, if more game companies release games which would install and run natively like that, Puppy will fly.
No wine or steam....

Why do I think puppy is best for gaming if games are released for linux natively?


I will get some more RAM plus good graphics card.

I will make an sfs of that game and load it in RAM.
Just like I load my Fatdog fully in RAM.

It would give me better performance than any SSD out there.

I am gonna try that, later though.

Posted: Wed 22 Feb 2017, 17:32
by drunkjedi
The game I play on mostly and am a moderator on, 'World of Tanks' is not available for linux, natively.

People do play it through wine/steam, though.

Ohh and I got Discord app running (Teamspeak like app, only It's free) in Fatdog for my clan/team/platoons voice comms or text chats.

Posted: Wed 22 Feb 2017, 17:45
by babule
Ok I cant understand exactly.I m new in linux.Maybe the solusion to large sfs is something like the ubuntu app-store.

Posted: Wed 22 Feb 2017, 20:41
by bigpup
U cant promote puppy.
There are NOT games for puppy and puppy dont play 3D games.
No good game no puppy.
No game no promotion gouf-gouf...

The games section of this forum is full of games.
Puppy Package Manger (PPM) has games.

3D games depends on the game and if you got everything needed for the game.
So, yes, there can be issues, but it is not Puppy but the game package not being specifically made for Puppy.

There are different versions of Linux. Puppy is a Linux version. The program package has to be compiled for a specific Linux version.

Puppy uses the pet package system, but can also use deb and RPM packages made for other Linux versions. Those packages may or may not have everything needed for Puppy.

Puppy Package Manger (PPM) is the best place to get programs, because it knows how to handle this stuff from other Linux versions repositories.
Read the help in the PPM.

Re: How YOU Can Promote Puppy

Posted: Wed 22 Feb 2017, 21:09
by bark_bark_bark
babule wrote:U cant promote puppy.
There are NOT games for puppy and puppy dont play 3D games.
No good game no puppy.
No game no promotion gouf-gouf...
Steam has a linux version dude.

update first information made available

Posted: Tue 28 Mar 2017, 09:18
by Pelo
to promote Puppy perhaps it would be enough to update first information made available by sites as Quebec OS, and other similar sites. They are very outdated. Nobody takes care of what was done. Always starting from zero

puppy icon?

Posted: Tue 25 Jul 2017, 18:56
by version2013
I would like to see Puppy Linux listed in

An email with 'liam' about such inclusion resulted in a reply "Ideally we need a high quality icon for it like the ones we have for all the others to add it in."

I replied saying one can find an icon on

liam replied "Sorry, but we need a proper icon not one ripped from their site."

Where can I find a proper icon?

Re: puppy icon?

Posted: Wed 26 Jul 2017, 05:38
by perdido
version2013 wrote:I would like to see Puppy Linux listed in

An email with 'liam' about such inclusion resulted in a reply "Ideally we need a high quality icon for it like the ones we have for all the others to add it in."

I replied saying one can find an icon on

liam replied "Sorry, but we need a proper icon not one ripped from their site."

Where can I find a proper icon?
Is the icon supposed to be like the .svg icons from the drop-down on the page you referenced when I click "Click for full statistics" button?
Example ... Ubuntu.svg
Example: ... Debian.svg

Maybe someone can make one from an existing puppy linux background?
Looks to be gray-scale but I am not sure how to create the .svg


Re: puppy icon?

Posted: Wed 26 Jul 2017, 15:15
by version2013
perdido wrote: Is the icon supposed to be like the .svg icons from the drop-down on the page you referenced when I click "Click for full statistics" button?
Example ... Ubuntu.svg
Example: ... Debian.svg

Maybe someone can make one from an existing puppy linux background?
Looks to be gray-scale but I am not sure how to create the .svg

I have not received a response from 'liam' yet, so I can not be sure.

I have done some internet searching and found these: ... uppy_Linux

Posted: Sat 29 Jul 2017, 04:21
by version2013
I emailed 'liam' this link: ... uppy_Linux

'liam' replied and said that they need one that is public domain.