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Posted: Wed 17 Apr 2013, 08:49
by nooby
Hehe @nooby: It seems you are obsessed with running linux on ntfs.

Nope it is the other way around. Ms win are obsessed to sell
each cheap computer here locally only having that partitions
them want on it. And making it difficult to keep Ms win if you
resize their and reformat them to ext3 or something else.

My smartphones are all dependent on that I have windows.
Some programs I use like TV program Silverfox I only got
working on Ms Win and not on Linux. MakeHuman is another
such program that I have no idea how to get working
but it just did work out of the box on Ms Win.

Now I never use ms win but that means I never use the Tv
Dongle I bought for 1000SEK I never use the Smartphone
for 6000SEK never use the MakeHuman program.

So No! I would prefer that Ms Win went over to Ext3
and did stop that UEFI craziness.

Posted: Wed 17 Apr 2013, 19:14
by linuxbear
Nooby: The reason I do not put Linux on NTFS is I do not want to have to "optimize" both windows and linux. I do a windows backup before a "Nix install. This means that I do a clone of the Windows OS and create an image file. I too have programs that requires windows and also I cannot login from home to my machine at work without windows. After the backup, you can shrink the NTFS partition and make room to create a new EXT3 partition.
If you want to play (learn more about) with Gparted, just unhook your hard drive and boot Puppy with a CD. Then you can plug in a USB thumb drive and do anything you want to the USB drive without worrying about needed windows files being changed or damaged.

Posted: Wed 17 Apr 2013, 20:49
by Colonel Panic
nooby wrote:Hehe @nooby: It seems you are obsessed with running linux on ntfs.

Nope it is the other way around. Ms win are obsessed to sell
each cheap computer here locally only having that partitions
them want on it. And making it difficult to keep Ms win if you
resize their and reformat them to ext3 or something else.

My smartphones are all dependent on that I have windows.
Some programs I use like TV program Silverfox I only got
working on Ms Win and not on Linux. MakeHuman is another
such program that I have no idea how to get working
but it just did work out of the box on Ms Win.

Now I never use ms win but that means I never use the Tv
Dongle I bought for 1000SEK I never use the Smartphone
for 6000SEK never use the MakeHuman program.

So No! I would prefer that Ms Win went over to Ext3
and did stop that UEFI craziness.
I agree, but it won't happen because Microsoft have staked too much on NTFS.

Posted: Thu 18 Apr 2013, 04:31
by jakfish
With all my distro hopping, I finally gave up on usb or ntfs install. I was having a hard enough time getting the distros to please me, and did not need the extra hassle of tweaking the basic installation.

With a Win7 netbook, I was able to partition through Windows itself, and so far, the work has remained stable.

With my EEE that comes with a XP SP3 *image*, I first had to install the recovery disk/OS image on my 32gb ssd. The image takes up the whole ssd and there's nothing I can do about it.

But once the image is on the ssd, I can shrink it with gparted to 4gbs, and make two other partitions for hopping. All my Linux partitions are ext4 if only because Semplice and Lubuntu recommend ext4.

The puppy os, save file, and optional sfs's go on the windows drive, and I boot the puppy via a class 10 sd card. It's the fastest frugal approach I've found, I have XP (and god knows why), and two Linux distros on the EEE 900. On the other netbook, I have Win7 Premium (which serves little purpose), two Windows recovery partitions (FAT32 and NTFS), and two Linux partitions.

It works nicely so far.


Posted: Thu 18 Apr 2013, 09:23
by nooby
Thanks guys, much appreciated.

Yes I have enough computers now
that I can skip Ms on one of them.
so I will take that into consideration.

That would allow me to have one dedicated
to full install and if I start with Linux Mint
and then use the grub2 that one create
and add dual booting to it one the other partitions.

Only my noobyness and lazyness is in the pipeline
for to just do it :)
And that temporaliy I will have two Screens
two computers going at same time and two keyboards
and two mouses. But maybe I could set it up
so I sit at a table with on set of Linux and
stand at a high rise desk for the other Linux
and that would allow me to get some variation
on ergonomic body because to sit all day is not healthy.

I know that from pesonal experience. Legs hurts badly.

Posted: Thu 18 Apr 2013, 09:27
by nooby
Elive guy is at it again.
Does he still only allow full or frugal install
if one first pay so he can send the code for install?

Samuel Baggen has released a new development build of Elive, version 2.1.37, a desktop Linux distribution integrating the lightweight Enlightenment window manager with the "testing" branch of Debian GNU/Linux: "The Elive team is proud to announce the release of development version 2.1.37. This version includes some miscellaneous new features like: automatic language and time zone configurations based on your physical location;

I downloded it when he changed it last time
2013-03-29: Development Release: Elive 2.1.33 (Unstable)
but had no free USB to try it on the file need a 2gb big due to
it is some 1.3GB big

So if you know how to do frugal install of it on NTFS
then you make me happy :)

Porteus would be fine

Posted: Thu 18 Apr 2013, 16:33
by Pelo
Message 14jan2011
Bienvenu à tous sur Porteus. Pour sûr la communauté linux se porte bien, mais il serait intéressant de démontrer que la communauté française d'Asie, d'Europe, d'Afrique ou d'Amérique du Nord est bien vivante. Si j'oublie des communautés françaises sur certains continents ou si vous faites partie des continents ci-haut mentionnées, manifestez-vous et n'hésitez pas à nous parler de vous et de votre coin de pays. Voyons ensemble si nous ne pourrions pas partager sur des besoins particuliers qu'ils soient de nature informatique ou autres.

Porteus does well what he does, but stay in the very narrow perimeter.

Kde death is not far...

Posted: Thu 18 Apr 2013, 16:59
by rokytnji
Beta 2 32bit testing on 9" netbook. Mixed and matched with Puppy.

Posted: Sat 20 Apr 2013, 06:32
by d4p
You can boot it up directly from iso

title elive_2.1.37_alpha_hybrid
root (hd0,0)
kernel /live/vmlinuz1 username=eliveuser boot=live config quiet
initrd /live/initrd1.img

No problem on ntfs

Posted: Sat 20 Apr 2013, 08:56
by nooby
d4p thanks I did give it a try and now report back here using Elive live
so much appreciated that you cared to give me that code.

Now I will test if it allow me to write or even see the HD.
I predict that it will not. I get back
Damn like I predicted it will not allow me to even see the HD
so I an use the OS to play music

So typical for a Debian distro.

Do you have any suggestion if one can boot as a single user?
What code to add and how to get the desktop going as root?

I got curious and added this to the kernel line
root=/dev/sda1 and that did set the terminal as root
but it still only show sda2 and not sda1 so something is missing.

Is it okay to say that I hate when devs do their best to protect me
from listening to my own music files?

I go to bed now late at night

Posted: Mon 22 Apr 2013, 05:38
by bignono1
Other night i came across a NEW OS , the Angel Linux 1 , Angel Linux features lots of NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) and SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment System) emulators, such as Snes9x, ZSNES, puNES, etc.
So i got the 434mb iso , cooked in a nice cd and booted to :

Lupu 525

Posted: Mon 22 Apr 2013, 05:40
by bignono1

Posted: Tue 23 Apr 2013, 20:36
by starhawk
Thought I'd put a post up here since the linux section of my other forum is about as bustling as Antarctica at midnight ;)

I've got one of those CX-01 Android Cloud Stick doohickeys. Is there ANYTHING that will run on those that's Linux and not Android? (No MicroSD slot here :( but there's an uploader for the stock firmware that could probably be modified to work with a Linux install... it's got a microUSB port for that and I've got TONS of those cables.)

I can post specs as needed -- yhe GPU core is the same as the MK802 -- Mali 400 -- but the SoC (System-on-Chip, think "entire motherboard inside the CPU" that it's in is different -- Telechips TCC8925 -- so I don't know if that will work out well.

Posted: Wed 24 Apr 2013, 12:18
by nooby
Testing a frugal isoboot install on USB
of latest Fedora. Look at DistroWatch
you find it up high on the page I dl
the small xfce verstion less than 800MB

Uses FF20 works good have not tested Mplayer yet
sad news though is that it does not have Adobe Flash
which Funduntu have but Developer of Fuduntu will not continue
so that is sad.

You can edit html files using Leafpad and save on NTFS
and you don't need to be SuDo or root to do it.
So it is a cool way to test Fedora and Fuduntu and Linux Mint
and any other Linux it seems.

On Fedora one don't need to know how to it just works out of the box.

Much appreciated that rcrsn51 gave us isobooter program.
Makes testing distros so much easier.

For this text I had two isos latest Fuduntu and latest Fedora
and copied both to a 2GB USB flash and then the isobooter program.
Isobooter take care of writing the grldr and the menu.lst so
it is superfast to do such iso frugal live install.

Posted: Wed 24 Apr 2013, 20:00
by nooby
Manjaro Lite boot fast and works
and have a lot of programs installed
but no Browser. Reading on internet it says
it has Midori but it is nowhere to be found
in the iso I booted so most likely it is part of
the Package that one can download and install
but being live that is kind of futile one lose it
when one reboot.

Maybe it is possible to have it on HD so it
could be installed much faster than over the internet?
But I know too little and there are many other distros
that does not need such set ups.

Posted: Wed 24 Apr 2013, 21:56
by rokytnji
but no Browser.but being live that is kind of futile one lose it
when one reboot.

Posted: Thu 25 Apr 2013, 07:18
by nooby
rokytnji, Lite is too light for me :)

I tested Antix and it did not allow me to mount the HD.

But the sad thing is that Debian varieties are very much at it
with protecting the user in ways that one need to be very good at
understanding computers for to use Debian at all if using a Live distro
in frugal install on a NTFS HD.

And some 90 % of all sold home computers are NTFS
and you need to be very good at resizing the NTFS
for to do full install. And one need Ms Win for to upgrade
the Smartphone and you need it for games that does not exist
on Linux and for ID Certification when you show IRS who you are
and Bank may use such Certification that does not work on linux.

Sure one can buy two computers and use one for linux?

Or boot using USB or to switch out the HD and use another Hd
in it's place but very few ordinary users that are not into Linux
would do such things.

My former work mate is better at using computers than what I am
and he still has not tested Linux despite me have nudged him
since 2006 and despite Linux rescued him when ms win acted up.

So I feel very concerned about the way Debian and it's varieties
treat the majority of computer users. They force us to do full install.
That is not nice behavior. Both Knoppix and Puppy and Slax show
that one can do frugal installs on NTFS. Not ideal but it works.

Posted: Thu 25 Apr 2013, 14:44
by d4p
try Minino root-pass: minino
or maybe Leafy-Linux

Posted: Thu 25 Apr 2013, 17:46
by nooby
Minino works using isobooter on USB
but the Midori does not have a modern version
of Adobe Flash so youtube and local TV refuse
to show videos.

those distros that works on isobooter
and does have working adobe flash
AFAIK MintLXDE, Solyd Linux, Solus linux,
Zorin Linux, ChrunchBang linux.
Which of them to prefer have no idea
so I keep all of them just in case :)

Other Distros

Posted: Fri 26 Apr 2013, 17:55
by Billtoo
I installed the 64 bit version of Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail on my
intel imac.
It is booting either OSX or Ubuntu from the hard drive + I can also
boot a puppy live cd with a save file on a partition of the hard drive
or a SDHC card.
This 64 bit version is fast!