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#81 Post by keniv »

Hi greengeek,
Banksy works quite well on this machine. Even the version of FF is not too bad. Most modern browsers are too heavy. I quite like QtWeb but it also has it's problems and is no longer supported. I have a number of pups I like and all work well enough on this machine. I use lucid 5287s2 as my main pup but also like Wary551, Racy55 and 412 lite (this runs in ram).
I'm still getting used to banksy. I'm on my 6th personal sfs. I do have another question. I dragged /usr/bin/abiword to the desktop and set the icon. Made a new personal sfs. On reboot abiword was still on desktop but not the icon. Put the icon in opt/b3user linked it to abiword from there and made a new personal sfs and rebooted. Again no abiword icon on desktop but the icon was carried over in /opt/b3user. So looks like the link did not get carried over. I am assuming this is what I should expect but I thought I'd just check that this is correct.



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#82 Post by greengeek »

keniv wrote:On reboot abiword was still on desktop but not the icon
Hi Keniv,

thanks for reporting this. Would you be able to perform a test please? Could you repeat the process - setting up Abiword (and the icon) on the desktop - then before creating a new personal sfs just post the output of the following two files please:



(no need to create the new sfs, I just need to check the variance between the two files)


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#83 Post by keniv »

Hi greengeek,
I linked the abiword icon in /opt/b3user to abiword on the desktop as before. Here is the output from the two files. I used the word48.png icon. I've attached an image of a small part of the desktop showing this. Hope this helps.



Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <rule match="/usr/local/kde/bin/kword">
  <rule match="/usr/sbin/quicksetup">
  <rule match="/usr/sbin/savesession-dvd">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/pdrive">
  <rule match="/usr/bin/b3personator">
  <rule match="/usr/local/kde/bin/konqueror">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/defaultchat">
  <rule match="/usr/bin/mrxvt">
  <rule match="/usr/bin/killdown">
  <rule match="/usr/local/kde/bin/kpresenter">
  <rule match="/usr/local/kde/bin/konsole">
  <rule match="/usr/bin/gnumeric">
  <rule match="/usr/bin/b3setsingleclick">
  <rule match="/usr/local/kde/bin/kmail">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/mozstart">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/defaultdraw">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/abiword">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/defaultcontact">
  <rule match="/usr/bin/abiword">
  <rule match="/usr/sbin/dotpup">
  <rule match="/usr/local/kde/bin/kolourpaint">
  <rule match="/usr/local/kde/bin/kaffeine">
  <rule match="/usr/sbin/pmount">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/tea">
  <rule match="/usr/sbin/wizardwizard">
  <rule match="/usr/bin/xcalc">
  <rule match="/usr/bin/b3burngeneric">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/defaultmediaplayer">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/rox">
  <rule match="/usr/local/kde/bin/kate">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/mtpaint">
  <rule match="/usr/bin/b3setdoubleclick">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/defaultpaint">
  <rule match="/usr/sbin/save2flash">
  <rule match="/usr/sbin/puppyhelp">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/sylpheed">
  <rule match="/usr/sbin/petget">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/defaulttexteditor">
  <rule match="/usr/bin/normaldown">
  <rule match="/usr/bin/b3HowToCustomise">
  <rule match="/usr/bin/rxvt">
  <rule match="/usr/bin/urxvt">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/mozmail">
  <rule match="/usr/bin/quickdown">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/defaultcalendar">
  <rule match="/usr/local/kde/bin/kspread">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/links">
  <rule match="/usr/bin/b3HowToCustomiseimp">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/defaultbrowser">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/defaultspreadsheet">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/defaultemail">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/defaulthtmleditor">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/beaver">
  <rule match="/usr/sbin/mut">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/opera">
  <rule match="/usr/bin/b3impersonator">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/defaultconnect">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/defaultwordprocessor">

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <rule match="/usr/local/kde/bin/kaffeine">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/mozmail">
  <rule match="/usr/local/kde/bin/konqueror">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/tea">
  <rule match="/usr/bin/gnumeric">
  <rule match="/usr/bin/xcalc">
  <rule match="/usr/bin/b3personator">
  <rule match="/usr/bin/b3impersonator">
  <rule match="/usr/bin/b3burngeneric">
  <rule match="/usr/bin/b3HowToCustomise">
  <rule match="/usr/bin/b3HowToCustomiseimp">
   <rule match="/usr/bin/b3setsingleclick">
   <rule match="/usr/bin/b3setdoubleclick">
  <rule match="/usr/bin/killdown">
    <rule match="/usr/bin/quickdown">
  <rule match="/usr/bin/normaldown">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/defaultcalendar">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/defaultbrowser">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/rox">
  <rule match="/usr/bin/rxvt">
  <rule match="/usr/bin/urxvt">
  <rule match="/usr/bin/mrxvt">
  <rule match="/usr/sbin/wizardwizard">
  <rule match="/usr/sbin/quicksetup">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/defaultpaint">
  <rule match="/usr/local/kde/bin/kword">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/mtpaint">
  <rule match="/usr/sbin/petget">
  <rule match="/usr/sbin/savesession-dvd">
  <rule match="/usr/sbin/save2flash">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/defaulttexteditor">
  <rule match="/usr/local/kde/bin/kpresenter">
  <rule match="/usr/local/kde/bin/kolourpaint">
  <rule match="/usr/local/kde/bin/konsole">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/defaultmediaplayer">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/beaver">
  <rule match="/usr/local/kde/bin/kate">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/opera">
  <rule match="/usr/local/kde/bin/kmail">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/defaultemail">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/links">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/defaultconnect">
  <rule match="/usr/sbin/puppyhelp">
  <rule match="/usr/local/kde/bin/kspread">
  <rule match="/usr/sbin/dotpup">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/defaultspreadsheet">
  <rule match="/usr/sbin/mut">
  <rule match="/usr/sbin/pmount">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/pdrive">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/sylpheed">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/mozstart">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/defaulthtmleditor">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/defaultwordprocessor">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/defaultcontact">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/abiword">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/defaultdraw">
  <rule match="/usr/local/bin/defaultchat">
Desktop with abiword using word48.png icon.
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#84 Post by greengeek »

I have just tried what you described and it works fine for me. Could you detail exactly the process you used to set the icon originally? (ie: before you tried linking from /opt - just pick the icon from /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48).

Also - which method did you use to kick off the building of the sfs? Did you use the "impersonator" icon on the desktop? (please try that way if not already done)

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#85 Post by keniv »

greengeek wrote:Could you detail exactly the process you used to set the icon.
I got the icon from /root/puppy-reference/midi-icons. These are sys linked to /usr/share/midi-icons. These are further sys linked.
Also - which method did you use to kick off the building of the sfs?
I used the three step process that starts with distill and ends making a small iso. I used the personal sfs from this.
Did you use the "impersonator" icon on the desktop? (please try that way if not already done)
I can't use this at the moment. This old machine has a cd r/w but only dvd read. I don't use writeable cds much and don't have any. I'll get some, try the "impersonator" method and report back.



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#86 Post by greengeek »

keniv wrote:I used the three step process that starts with distill and ends making a small iso. I used the personal sfs from this.
Hi Keniv - that is where the problem lies - the "distillor" in that directory is only applicable to the "personator" function that grabs a small number of personalisations. It is not applicable to the "impersonator" function that grabs all of your personalisations and additions.

Sorry that the terminology is a little confusing - I hope it will become clearer soon.
I can't use this {the impersonator icon} at the moment. This old machine has a cd r/w but only dvd read. I don't use writeable cds much and don't have any.
OK - you don't actually need to put a CD into the drive (despite the message that says you must...). If you run the impersonator function without a disk in the drive it will still go ahead with producing a new iso in the /tmp directory and you can grab the new personal sfs from that iso.

I have been trialling a new impersonator script which also includes a "make sfs only" function for use in frugal installs. This is included in version RC6 which I will release shortly. In the meantime I recommend using the impersonator icon (with no CD in drive) - let it do its stuff (it will need a swap partition to have enough ram space) and after you see the new iso in /tmp just extract the personal sfs from that. (not the main sfs as that will be exactly the same as you already have).

As an alternative - you could use the new "b3burnimp" script attached below (remove fake .gz suffix). Before running the impersonator script put this new burn script into /opt/b3personator/ (overwrite the old version) then you can use the impersonator icon on the desktop and it will let you choose "sfs" rather than a disk burn.
(EDIT : This method requires much less ram than the CD burn method which builds a whole iso).
Please remove fake .gz suffix
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#87 Post by keniv »

Hi greengeek
As an alternative - you could use the new "b3burnimp" script attached below (remove fake .gz suffix). Before running the impersonator script put this new burn script into /opt/b3personator/ (overwrite the old version) then you can use the impersonator icon on the desktop and it will let you choose "sfs" rather than a disk burn.
(EDIT : This method requires much less ram than the CD burn method which builds a whole iso).
I used the method above and this time it worked. It did not seem to hammer the limited memory on this machine but I guess there was not much to collect up. I'm very pleased with this. I think I'll try the pwidgets pet and see how that goes. Thanks for doing the work on "b3burnimp" that let me get this working. This method does seem better for machines with poor specs like mine. I've attached an image of a section of the desktop showing the icons carried over.


Icons for abiword and pfind still on desktop
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#88 Post by greengeek »

Great - thanks for the feedback. Glad it's working.

ps: thats a much nicer icon for Abiword than the previous word one I reckon. :-)

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#89 Post by keniv »

Hi greengeek,
I'll be away from it for a few days but I'll try the pet addition and report back. I'm also going to try a version on a flash drive and I'll get some cds and put a version on one of these.

Thanks again,


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#90 Post by RickGT351 »

Hi greengeek, I downloaded Banksy 31 but have found that my bank's website does not like the browser that is in the distro. I installed Pale Moon which I then customised, The Palemoon installer puts Pale Moon in /opt/palemoon. After this I burnt a dvd. The result was that Pale Moon was lost! How can I keep Palemoon? I installed Foxit Reader from a pet and that's fine

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#91 Post by ally »


search for 'remaster puppy live-cd'


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#92 Post by greengeek »

RickGT351 wrote:Hi greengeek, I downloaded Banksy 31 but have found that my bank's website does not like the browser that is in the distro. I installed Pale Moon which I then customised, The Palemoon installer puts Pale Moon in /opt/palemoon. After this I burnt a dvd. The result was that Pale Moon was lost! How can I keep Palemoon? I installed Foxit Reader from a pet and that's fine
Hi Rick,

it may be necessary to move Palemoon into the /opt/b3user directory - during the "personator" process banksy will grab the contents of that directory. The question is whether or not Palemoon will be happy to run from it's new location.

The other option is to use the newer version of banksy called "impersonator". It grabs all of the customisations you have added (like a full remaster)

banksy impersonator is available here: ... 307#899307

(The "personator" script grabs only a small subset of customisations, but the "impersonator" script grabs all of your customisations)

EDIT : If you want to stick with the personator version that you have already downloaded there are a couple of other ways to make personator save Palemoon (or other extras) but they are more manual and longwinded so let me now if you want details.
(The "impersonator" version makes it easy and automatically burns all customisations to DVD or to personal sfs as chosen by the user).

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#93 Post by RickGT351 »

Thanks Greengeek, I figured out how to do it. Copied Palemoon and a couple of related directories from root into the B3User folder and burned a new disk. The next time just create links from the 2 other directories to /root. I have a shortcut on the desktop to open palemoon. Foxit installs off the pet and works fine.
The one thing I miss is the ability to print. Can this be done with Banksy?

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#94 Post by greengeek »

RickGT351 wrote:The one thing I miss is the ability to print. Can this be done with Banksy?
Yes - but depends on what printer you have and how you set it up.

On my system I use a Brother MFC7820 and I made a pet that installs the printer driver (I followed rcrsn51's instructions and sourced the deb driver package from the brother website) and also sets that printer as the default.

I made a desktop link to that pet and it takes only a couple of seconds to run. I only need to do this for the sessions where I want to print. The rest of the time of course i don't bother installing.

So the first question is - what does it take to install your printer? Do you know what files to put where? Once you have that information you can just graft those files into your personal sfs, or build an install pet as I did.

For my needs and my family's needs I tend to specialise in using a small number of Brother models (best printers ever!) and have made an install script that allows the user to choose which model they want to install.

Other brands/models can be more tricky as some depend on different ghostscript or CUPS versions etc.

If you can work out how to install your printer in Slacko 5.6 then it will work in Personator.

Again - the "easiest" way to force banksy to retain the printer config once you have added your printer is to use the "impersonator" version to grab a snapshot of your customisations, or else manually add what you need into the "personator" process. It sounds as if you have already figured out how to manipulate the Personator process as required.

EDIT : Anyone using Banksy - please remember that it discards all session data at shutdown. If you are working on documents and printing them they will be discarded at shutdown - UNLESS YOU SAVE THEM EXTERNALLY - either online, in an email, or on a storage device (HDD, usb disk etc)

ie: it is ALWAYS the user's responsibility to save what you want to save. There is no savefile.

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#95 Post by Sylvander »


My bank no longer accepts working with the included outdated web browser version. :(
Hence I can no longer use my disk.
I've had to fall back to using my "live install" of Slacko-5.7.0-pae for banking [not so secure].

Is it possible to issue an updated version of rc3impgeneric_RC5.iso burned April 2016? [I'm now 71, and not so smart these days]
Or else, instructions on how to update it myself and make a new ISO?

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#96 Post by greengeek »

Hi Sylvander, I am thrilled that you have been able to make some use of banksy. Do you have a current browser in mind that you have tested as acceptable to your bank?

I would be happy to remaster the iso you are using and to add your preferred browser.

However - there is another alternative that might work more quickly:

This would entail booting your usual banksy (complete with your normal personalised sfs), adding a new browser (and setting it's bookmarks and security defaults if required), then running a new version of the the impersonator script which will build a new personalised sfs that would be a combination of the (original personalised + new personalised) personal sfs. Hope that is not confusing.

How to do this??
I have attached a new version of "b3burnimp" - if you unzip this file and use it to replace the old version in /opt/b3personator it will upgrade the "personalisation" functionality and give you more options than previous versions.

So - boot banksy as you currently do, replace the b3burnimp file, then load a pet of your preferred new browser, run the impersonator script from the desktop icon, choose your option (probably "sfs+new" or else "CD") and let it create the required file which you can add into your frugal boot directory (temporarily hide the previous personal sfs so you can retrieve it if something fails).

The disadvantage of this method is that it leaves the original browser still installed. If that is a problem let me know and I will remaster - just give me a link to a suitable browser pet that works for you (or else I can link you to some browser pets that I use for more modern needs - I just don't know what is going to work for your bank)

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#97 Post by Sylvander »


1. When I run Slacko-5.7.0-pae, then within that run....
a. Firefox 60.0, it works ok at my banking website, except...
I have "NoScript" installed, so the bank website complains that I need JavaScript to be running.
I interpret this to mean that this version of Firefox is OK, but the site needs to run scripts and cannot [because of NoScript].
I don't know where to get a pet or sfs for this version of Firefox, but I'll search ASAP.
[Soon as I've recovered from my gadening efforts to plant the 1st (in Ericaceous compost in a 20 inch pot sunk into a 48 inch border) of 5 different "All Season" varieties (early to late) of Highbush Blueberry plants.]
b. My solution to the above is to use instead--->Palemoon 27.6.2.
I guess I used a pet file to update to this.
Yes, I have...
...Saved on a Flash Drive.
I've saved "b3burnimp.gz" in the same "Palemoon" folder.

c. Any thoughts/suggestions?

2. I could give your update method a try, as soon as I'm fit enough.

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#98 Post by greengeek »

Sylvander wrote:1. When I run Slacko-5.7.0-pae, then within that run....
a. Firefox 60.0, it works ok at my banking website, ....I interpret this to mean that this version of Firefox is OK,....
I don't know where to get a pet or sfs for this version of Firefox,
I also do not know where a pet of that version is available but will look for it if you feel that is a necessity. So far I have avoided the efforts to keep up with the latest and greatest browsers as I believe that the end game is for the corporates to steer users towards yielding control to to the bigsters like google etc. In other words if we stay on the treadmill to update browsers we will eventually be banned from major sites unless we use whatever software or devices the site owner wants. This is sometimes justified but more often completely unjustified as it makes us pawns rather than controllers of our own assets.

Example: soon it may be impossible to visit a trading site (eg Ebay) or banking site without javascript enabled (as in your banks case) or maybe without webRTC enabled - eg yielding control for the bank to activate your webcam or fingerprint scanner so that they can use feature recognition to confirm that you are allowed inside their "premises" to access your assets or rightful opportunities to trade.

I prefer the user having the right to select such things as two factor identification. Why should I not use dillo to access my funds if I want?

I want no part of this trend towards supercontrolling browsers. It is like my bank telling me I cant enter their building unless I allow myself to be put into handcuffs and stripped naked. It is my assets held within that building therefore I should be the one determining what form of security is in play.
<end of soapbox>
<end of paranoia> :-)
Soon as I've recovered from my gardening efforts to plant the 1st (in Ericaceous compost in a 20 inch pot sunk into a 48 inch border) of 5 different "All Season" varieties (early to late) of Highbush Blueberry plants.
Aren't blueberries fantastic! We have only one shrub but it has been a prolific producer. A true delight on a late summers evening to grab a handful of sweet blueberries and throw them into a cup of greek yoghurt. Yum!
b. My solution to the above is to use instead--->Palemoon 27.6.2.
I guess I used a pet file to update to this.
Yes, I have...
I have recently been using watchdogs 27.3.0 version of that pet (might be darry's version?) and liking palemoon quite a bit. If you are confident that the newer version does the business for you I can certainly try grafting it into an iso.
2. I could give your update method a try, as soon as I'm fit enough.
That would be appreciated - firstly it would confirm that my method works (if not I need to do more testing of the new personalisation script) and secondly it would give you a method by which you could make any future similar mods quite quickly for testing purposes. (also - any testing I can do of your banking site will be irrelevant)

In the past I have made several b3 variants using browsers other than the old Firefox, but have always come back to 17esr as being useful for most sites and for specific functionality (for example if viewing a youtube video in Firefox 17esr you can "double right click" a video and it will allow you to download it as webm format - so i keep 17esr on hand as tried and true)

If you are able to test my method above for building a new "cumulative" personal sfs ("orig pers sfs + new additions") then let me know your preferred browser I can build you a new iso and remove FF17 if you like.


EDIT - i am assuming that a new personal sfs woud be suitable for your application (ie installed pup) but maybe you prefer to run from CD only? Let me know and I will do CD if needed)

Clarification: I am talking about you adding the updated browser inside the personal sfs (via my b3burnimp script). If it proves the value of the browser I will make a new version of the main puppy b3imp sfs as a generic base. I have been planning to do this for some time anyway so let me know which browser does the business.

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#99 Post by Sylvander »


1. OK, I'm right now working within my Banksy3.

2. I previously extracted the "b3burnimp" script that I'd saved to a folder on a Flash Drive.
How should I run this script?

a. I clicked the "b3i_HowTo" on the desktop, and the file "HowToCustomiseimp.txt" opened, and I read it.
I guess I should run the new "b3burnimp" script rather than click the link on the desktop to run the "b3impersonator" old script, right?
But how to run the new script?
And when I do run it, will it create a new [iso or sfs?][by using the existing state of the Banksy3 running at that time?] and and tell me what to do and when, so as to burn a new CD-RW?
I guess the RW optical disk must be blanked prior to this.

b. Mounted a non-blank CD-RW and could see the content.
Tried to mount another [blank?] CD-RW, but nothing showed on the screen/display relating to optical media [because it's blank?]
Hence, I now know which CD-RW to attempt to burn to.

c. Should I simply make all of the desired changes, and then run the new script?

d. I tried to update the existing version of Firefox [ESR 17.0.8] using "check for updates", and it replied that it was already up-to-date, so no joy there.
I see no sign of "NoScript", so I was mistaken about that.
This version must simply be too old for my banking website to accept.

e. I guess I could simply install the version of Palemoon for which I have pet files.

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#100 Post by Sylvander »

1. Tried going to my banking website using Banksy3 [to check it out], and discovered that the included "Firefox ESR 17.0.8" works just fine!

2. I guess I could proceed regardless to make changes [new web-browser], to create a new updated CD-RW of Banksy3 using the new script.
It would be an interesting exercise.

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