script to make java.sfs

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script to make java.sfs

#1 Post by Uten »

EDIT: @rerwin has done a fine job at merging this with several other scripts and options to make a java.sfs

This script is discontinued. Use @rerwin's

This post contains a script that hopefully will make your life as a java user easier. It is meant to work out of the box. But as our mileage varies a short tutorial on how to get started follows:

* Copy the code bellow to your favorite editor and save the file as in folder /root/my-applications/bin. The name is important as it is used to check if the script is running as a standalone application or sourced by another application.

* Make the script executable by either 1: select it with Ctrl+<left click> in ROX. Then <right click> and select permissions. Then select a+x and OK. or 2: Open a terminal and write chmod +x /root/my-applications/bin/

* Now you can run the script from either ROX by <left click> on it. Or from the terminal by issuing the command

* When the script finishes the new sfs can be found in /tmp/java-sfs/. The name should be something like jre1.8.0_40.sfs.

* Now you can load the file by <left click> it in ROX. Since the file is located in /tmp you will get some a question whether you would like to move it before you load it. I have experienced conflicts when loading sfs files from /tmp so I recommend you accept to move it.

* When the sfs is loaded you should get a dialog offering to run the java control applet. If it is your first attempt I suggest running it as it will confirm that java is accessible and installed correctly by showing the dialog.

* To confirm that it works with your browser try the link

* I'm not into java applications but jedit worked out of the box after loading the sfs. (I downloaded the java based installer )

* Or check out one of the other java applications know to have worked with puppylinux in this thread.

I you like this sfs making script you might like my sfs-seamonkey,sh or my script.

Code: Select all

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# CREATED_BY:  uten:
# PURPOSE:     Download latest java files and reate a java sfs file to be used 
#              with puppylinux
# TODO:  * Add shunit2 unit test of all functions
#        * Add commandline configuration
#        * Add help description
#        * Cleanup variable names and usage
#        * Cleanup function need some thought and work
#        * Pristine function need some thought and work
#        * Download function should have a local repository option
# CHANGELOG: Format >> Version: User: Description:
# 0.1      Uten  Initial release
# 0.1.1    Uten  Changed some sed scripts to reflect changes in download pages.
# 0.1.2    Uten  Moved linking to /etc/init.d/ [start] [stop] script
# 0.1.3    Uten  Added desktop files. See Menu->Setup->Java control applet
# 0.2.0    Uten  Released new version
# 0.2.1    Uten  Added java_add_mime_support
# 0.2.2    Uten  Added java_include_self
# 0.2.3    Uten  Added more error handeling
# 0.2.4    Uten  Changed shebang to use env
{ # Initial Configuration
THIS_FILE_NAME="" #NOTICE: Must be the script file name, used to do test.
THIS_BASENAME=$(basename $0)
TERMINATE_ON_ERROR='True' # If set then err function will terminate script on error
function java_set_defaults(){ # Set default values to global variables
	#format: variable=${variable-defaultvalue}
	JAVA_VERSION=${JAVA_VERSION:-7u25} 	#jre-7u21-linux-i586
	JAVA_PATH_VERSION_NAME=${JAVA_PATH_VERSION_NAME:-$(echo $JAVA_VERSION|sed 's/\([0-9]\+\)u\([0-9]\+\)/jre1\.\1\.0_\2/')}
	JAVA_BUNDLE_ID=${JAVA_BUNDLE_ID:-78695} 				#78695=7u25, 76851=7u21, 75250
	# TODO: Figure out JAVA_PATH from the unpacked JAVA_VERSION file. Should be
	# something like ls $TARGET_PATH/opt/jre*
	# JAVA_URL is the url ju get from the download link at
	# I think number in BundleId=73132 is the only thing changing
function java_dump_variables() { #
	echo "JAVA_URL:=" $JAVA_URL
function err() { # $? [msg]    
  # If TERMINATE_ON_ERROR has a value script will terminate 
  local err=${1:-1}
  local COLOR_LIGHT_RED='\e[91m'
  local COLOR_BOLD='\e[1m'
  local COLOR_RESET='\e[0m'
  if [ $# -gt 0 ] && [ $1 -gt 0 ]; then
		local msg=${2:-'no err msg'}
		local funcname=${FUNCNAME[1]}
		local line=${BASH_LINENO[0]}
		local script=${BASH_SOURCE[1]}
		echo -e "${COLOR_LIGHT_RED}${COLOR_BOLD}ERR    ${COLOR_RESET}($line) err:=$err, $msg :: [$funcname] [$script]"
		if [ -n $TERMINATE_ON_ERROR ]; then
			echo "----------------------------------------------------------------"
			echo "----------------------------------------------------------------"
			echo "terminating due to error $err"
			exit $1
  return $1
function java_get_version_info () { # Get info about the latest release
	local ret=0
	echo "#TODO: NOTICE: java_get_version_info NOT COMPLETED!"
	# Get information
	err $? "wget failed to get manual download information"
	if [ -f $JAVA_WGET_TEMP_FILE ]; then
		JAVA_BUNDLE_ID=$( grep 'Linux".*" onclick' $JAVA_WGET_TEMP_FILE| sed -n 's/.*=\([0-9]\+\)\".*/\1/p' |sed 1q )
		err $? "Failed to parse bundle id"
		JAVA_VERSION=$( sed -n 's/.*Version \([0-9]\+\) Update \([0-9]\+\).*/\1u\2/p' "$JAVA_WGET_TEMP_FILE" )
		err $? "Failed to parse version info"
		if [ $ret -eq 0 ]; then
		err 1 "Could not locate $JAVA_WGET_TMP_FILE"
	#Copy from java_set_defaults
	# JAVA_URL is the url ju get from the download link at
	# I think number in BundleId=73132 is the only thing changing
	JAVA_PATH_VERSION_NAME=$(echo $JAVA_VERSION|sed 's/\([0-9]\+\)u\([0-9]\+\)/jre1\.\1\.0_\2/')
	err $? "Failed to parse JAVA_PATH_VERSION_NAME"

function java_add_mime_support() { # Add jar mime support to rox
	local ret=0
	local d="$TARGET_PATH/root/.config/"
	local f="$d/application_x-java-archive"
	if [ ! -d $d ]; then
		mkdir -p "$d"
	if [ ! -e $f ]; then
		cat << 'EOF' > $f
#! /bin/sh
exec java -jar "$@"		
	return $ret
function java_include_self() { # Include this script in sfs
	local ret=0
	local f=$0
	local d="$TARGET_PATH/root/my-applications/bin"
	if [ ! -d $d ]; then
		mkdir -p "$d"
	cp -f "$f" "$d"	
	err $? "Could not copy $f to $d"
	return $ret
function java_write_init_d_script() { # Create a init.d script to get linking right
	mkdir -p $TARGET_PATH/etc/init.d/
	err $? "Could not mkdir  $TARGET_PATH/etc/init.d/"
	cat << 'EOF' > $TARGET_PATH/etc/init.d/
#!/usr/bin/env bash
function remove_plugin_links() {
	rm /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/ 
	rm /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/
	rm /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/
	rm /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/
	rm /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/
	rm /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
	rm /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
	rm /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
	rm /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
	rm /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
function fix_plugin_links() {
	# Make nescessary plugin folders
	mkdir -p /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/
	mkdir -p /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/

	ln -s -f -T $JAVA_PATH/lib/i386/ /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/ 
	ln -s -f -T $JAVA_PATH/lib/i386/ /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/
	ln -s -f -T $JAVA_PATH/lib/i386/ /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/

	ln -s -f -T $JAVA_PATH/plugin/i386/ns7/ /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/
	#ln -s -f -T $JAVA_PATH/lib/i386/ /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/
	ln -s -f -T $JAVA_PATH/lib/i386/ /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/
	ln -s -f -T $JAVA_PATH/lib/i386/ /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
	ln -s -f -T $JAVA_PATH/lib/i386/ /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
	ln -s -f -T $JAVA_PATH/lib/i386/ /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
	ln -s -f -T $JAVA_PATH/plugin/i386/ns7/ /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
	#ln -s -f -T $JAVA_PATH/lib/i386/ /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
	ln -s -f -T $JAVA_PATH/lib/i386/ /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
function fix_java_links() {
	local ret=0
	mkdir -p $TARGET_PATH/usr/bin
	# Make links to java programs
	ln -s -f $JAVA_PATH/bin/keytool /usr/bin/keytool
	ln -s -f $JAVA_PATH/bin/pack200 /usr/bin/pack200
	ln -s -f $JAVA_PATH/bin/orbd /usr/bin/orbd
	ln -s -f $JAVA_PATH/bin/servertool /usr/bin/servertool
	ln -s -f $JAVA_PATH/bin/policytool /usr/bin/policytool
	ln -s -f $JAVA_PATH/bin/java_vm /usr/bin/java_vm
	ln -s -f $JAVA_PATH/bin/javaws /usr/bin/javaws
	ln -s -f $JAVA_PATH/bin/rmid /usr/bin/rmid
	ln -s -f $JAVA_PATH/bin/rmiregistry /usr/bin/rmiregistry
	ln -s -f $JAVA_PATH/bin/java /usr/bin/java
	ln -s -f $JAVA_PATH/bin/ControlPanel /usr/bin/ControlPanel
	ln -s -f $JAVA_PATH/bin/tnameserv /usr/bin/tnameserv
	ln -s -f $JAVA_PATH/bin/unpack200 /usr/bin/unpack200
	ln -s -f $JAVA_PATH/bin/jcontrol /usr/bin/jcontrol	
	return $ret
function remove_java_links() { #
	local ret=0
	rm /usr/bin/keytool
	rm /usr/bin/pack200
	rm /usr/bin/orbd
	rm /usr/bin/servertool
	rm /usr/bin/policytool
	rm /usr/bin/java_vm
	rm /usr/bin/javaws
	rm /usr/bin/rmid
	rm /usr/bin/rmiregistry
	rm /usr/bin/java
	rm /usr/bin/ControlPanel
	rm /usr/bin/tnameserv
	rm /usr/bin/unpack200
	rm /usr/bin/jcontrol		
	return $ret
function start() { #
	echo "start: $0" >> $LOGFILE
	local ret=0
	fix_java_links || ret+=$?
	fix_plugin_links || ret+=$?
	return $ret
function stop() { #
	echo "stop: $0" >> $LOGFILE
	local ret=0
	remove_java_links || ret+=$?
	remove_plugin_links || ret+=$?
	return $ret
function script_main() { #
	local ret=0
	case "$1" in
			start || ret=$?
			stop  || ret=$?
	return $ret
script_main $@
exit $?
	chmod +x $TARGET_PATH/etc/init.d/
function java_unpack_java(){ # Unpack the downloaded binaries
	# TODO_CODE: Verify that wget did not fail
	# Unpack java 
	# TODO_CODE: Verify directories
	local ret=0
	if [ ! -e $TARGET_PATH/opt ]; then
		echo "NOTE: Creating: $TARGET_PATH/opt"
		mkdir -p $TARGET_PATH/opt
	if [ ! -e $TARGET_PATH/opt/$JAVA_VERSION ]; then
		#tar --checkpoint=1500 --directory=$TARGET_PATH/opt/ -axf  ./jre-$JAVA_VERSION.tar.gz
		echo "NOTE: $(pwd)/jre-$JAVA_VERSION.tar.gz unpacking to $TARGET_PATH/opt/"
		tar --checkpoint=1500 --directory=$TARGET_PATH/opt/ -axf  ./jre-$JAVA_VERSION.tar.gz
	return $ret
function java_download_java(){ # Download the java version/bundleid
	# Download java
	local ret=0
	if [ ! -z "$JAVA_VERSION" ]; then 
		if [ ! -z "$JAVA_BUNDLE_ID" ]; then
			wget -nc $JAVA_URL$JAVA_BUNDLE_ID -O ./jre-$JAVA_VERSION.tar.gz	
			err 1 "JAVA_BUNDLE_ID unresolved. Terminating."
		err 1 "JAVA_VERSION:=$JAVA_VERSION is unresolved. Terminating"
	return $ret
function java_help(){ # Write out help information
	echo "TODO: java_help not implemeneted"
function java_clean(){ # 
	local ret=0
	if [ "$1" == "--clean" -o "$1" == "--pristine" ]; then
		# TODO_CODE: clean up links? Can't just remove directories as 
		# that will remove other apps stuff.
	return $ret
function java_pristine(){ # 
	local ret=0
	if [ "$1" == "--pristine" ]; then
		rm -f ./$JAVA_VERSION.tar.gz
	return $ret
function java_make_sfs() { # Make the new sfs file
	local ret=0
	# Create the sfs file	
	#		incosistent with other scripts.
#	if [ $WORK_FOLDER=='' || $TARGET_PATH=='' ]; then
#		echo "WARNING: could not resolve WORK_FOLDER or TARGET_PATH"
#		exit 0
#	else
	echo "mksquashfs:=  $TARGET_PATH $JAVA_PATH_VERSION_NAME.sfs -noappend"
	mksquashfs  $TARGET_PATH $JAVA_PATH_VERSION_NAME.sfs -noappend
	err $? "mksquashfs failed"
#	fi
	return $ret
function java_link_desktop() { # Copy and modify sun's desktop integration file
	local ret=0
	mkdir -p $TARGET_PATH/usr/share/applications
	mkdir -p $TARGET_PATH/usr/share/icons
	mv $TARGET_PATH/opt/$JAVA_PATH_VERSION_NAME/plugin/desktop/*.desktop $TARGET_PATH/usr/share/applications/ 
	mv $TARGET_PATH/opt/$JAVA_PATH_VERSION_NAME/plugin/desktop/*.png $TARGET_PATH/usr/share/icons
	err $? "mv failed to move dektop files?"
	sed -i 's/Categories.*/Categories=X-SetupEntry/' $TARGET_PATH/usr/share/applications/sun_java.desktop
	sed -i 's@Icon.*@Icon=/usr/share/icons/sun_java.png@' $TARGET_PATH/usr/share/applications/sun_java.desktop
	sed -i 's@Name=.*@Name=Java control applet@' $TARGET_PATH/usr/share/applications/sun_java.desktop
	return $?
function java_main() { # Main function in script
	java_set_defaults 			|| err 99 "java_set_defaults failed"
	java_get_version_info 		|| err 99 "java_get_version_info failed"
	java_dump_variables 		|| err 99 "java_dump_variables failed"
	java_clean 					|| err 99 "java_clean failed"
	#java_pristine				|| err 99 "java_pristine failed"
	java_download_java 			|| err 99 "java_download_java failed"
	java_unpack_java 			|| err 99 "java_unpack_java failed"
	java_write_init_d_script 	|| err 99 "java_write_init_d_script failed"
	java_link_desktop 			|| err 99 "java_link_desktop failed"
	java_include_self 			|| err 99 "java_include_self failed"
	java_add_mime_support 		|| err 99 "java_add_mime_support failed"
# TODO_CODE: Make java.desktop and icon references.

if [  "$THIS_FILE_NAME" == $THIS_BASENAME ]; then
	#TODO: Shuld use push and pop (folder)? 
	java_main 			|| err 99 "java_main failed"
	java_make_sfs 		|| err 99 "java_make_sfs failed"
EDIT: New version 0.2.0. Copy content to /root/my-applications/bin/
EDIT: New version 0.2.4
EDIT: Added short tutorial at the top of this post. Moved edit explanation down to the bottom.[/b]
EDIT: Added link to thread with java applications people use ( thanks to @gcmartin for the link ).
Last edited by Uten on Wed 18 Apr 2018, 23:37, edited 5 times in total.

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#2 Post by Uten »

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#3 Post by Uten »

New version posted in first post: The old one (version 0.1.x) is here:

Code: Select all

#NOTE: Normally Sourced by,,
THIS_FILE_NAME="" #NOTICE: Must be the script file name, used to do test.
THIS_BASENAME=$(basename $0)

echo "START: " $THIS_BASENAME " at " $(pwd)

function java_set_defaults(){
	#format: variable=${variable-defaultvalue}
	JAVA_VERSION=${JAVA_VERSION-7u25} 	#jre-7u21-linux-i586
	JAVA_PATH_VERSION_NAME=${JAVA_PATH_VERSION_NAME-$(echo $JAVA_VERSION|sed 's/\([0-9]\+\)u\([0-9]\+\)/jre1\.\1\.0_\2/')}
	JAVA_BUNDLE_ID=${JAVA_BUNDLE_ID-78695} 				#78695=7u25, 76851=7u21, 75250
	# TODO: Figure out JAVA_PATH from the unpacked JAVA_VERSION file. Should be
	# something like ls $TARGET_PATH/opt/jre*
	# JAVA_URL is the url ju get from the download link at
	# I think number in BundleId=73132 is the only thing changing
function java_dump_variables() {
	echo "JAVA_URL:=" $JAVA_URL
function java_get_version_info () {
	echo "#TODO: NOTICE: java_get_version_info NOT COMPLETED!"
	# Get information
	if [ -f $JAVA_WGET_TEMP_FILE ]; then
		JAVA_BUNDLE_ID=$( grep 'Linux".*" onclick' $JAVA_WGET_TEMP_FILE| sed -n 's/.*=\([0-9]\+\)\".*/\1/p' |sed 1q )
		JAVA_VERSION=$( sed -n 's/.*Version \([0-9]\+\) Update \([0-9]\+\) .*/\1u\2/p' "$JAVA_WGET_TEMP_FILE" )
		rm -f 
		echo "ERROR: Could not locate " $JAVA_WGET_TMP_FILE
	JAVA_PATH_VERSION_NAME=$(echo $JAVA_VERSION|sed 's/\([0-9]\+\)u\([0-9]\+\)/jre1\.\1\.0_\2/')

function java_fix_java_links() {
	mkdir -p $TARGET_PATH/usr/bin
	# Make links to java programs
	ln -s -f -T $JAVA_PATH/bin/keytool ./usr/bin/keytool
	ln -s -f -T $JAVA_PATH/bin/pack200 ./usr/bin/pack200
	ln -s -f -T $JAVA_PATH/bin/orbd ./usr/bin/orbd
	ln -s -f -T $JAVA_PATH/bin/servertool ./usr/bin/servertool
	ln -s -f -T $JAVA_PATH/bin/policytool ./usr/bin/policytool
	ln -s -f -T $JAVA_PATH/bin/java_vm ./usr/bin/java_vm
	ln -s -f -T $JAVA_PATH/bin/javaws ./usr/bin/javaws
	ln -s -f -T $JAVA_PATH/bin/rmid ./usr/bin/rmid
	ln -s -f -T $JAVA_PATH/bin/rmiregistry ./usr/bin/rmiregistry
	ln -s -f -T $JAVA_PATH/bin/java ./usr/bin/java
	ln -s -f -T $JAVA_PATH/bin/ControlPanel ./usr/bin/ControlPanel
	ln -s -f -T $JAVA_PATH/bin/tnameserv ./usr/bin/tnameserv
	ln -s -f -T $JAVA_PATH/bin/unpack200 ./usr/bin/unpack200
	ln -s -f -T $JAVA_PATH/bin/jcontrol ./usr/bin/jcontrol	
function java_fix_plugin_links() {
	echo "NOW IN: " $(pwd) " WAS IN: " $CUR_FOLDER		
	# Make nescessary plugin folders
	echo "MAKE plugins folders in " $(pwd)
	mkdir -p $TARGET_PATH/usr/lib/firefox/plugins/
	mkdir -p $TARGET_PATH/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/

	# mkdir -p ./root/.mozilla/plugins
	#ln -s -f -T $JAVA_PATH/plugin/i386/ns7/ ./root/.mozilla/plugins/
	#ln -s -f -T $JAVA_PATH/lib/i386/ ./root/.mozilla/plugins/ 
	if [ 1 -eq 1 ]; then
		# Create the plugin links so seamonkey and firefox can find java 
		# is suposed to work with resent versions of firefox and seamonkey.
		ln -s -f -T $JAVA_PATH/lib/i386/ ./usr/lib/firefox/plugins/ 
		ln -s -f -T $JAVA_PATH/lib/i386/ ./usr/lib/firefox/plugins/
		ln -s -f -T $JAVA_PATH/lib/i386/ ./usr/lib/firefox/plugins/

		ln -s -f -T $JAVA_PATH/plugin/i386/ns7/ ./usr/lib/firefox/plugins/
		#ln -s -f -T $JAVA_PATH/lib/i386/ ./usr/lib/firefox/plugins/
		ln -s -f -T $JAVA_PATH/lib/i386/ ./usr/lib/firefox/plugins/
		ln -s -f -T $JAVA_PATH/lib/i386/ ./usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
		ln -s -f -T $JAVA_PATH/lib/i386/ ./usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
		ln -s -f -T $JAVA_PATH/lib/i386/ ./usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
		ln -s -f -T $JAVA_PATH/plugin/i386/ns7/ ./usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
		#ln -s -f -T $JAVA_PATH/lib/i386/ ./usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
		ln -s -f -T $JAVA_PATH/lib/i386/ ./usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
function java_unpack_java(){
	# TODO_CODE: Verify that wget did not fail
	# Unpack java 
	# TODO_CODE: Verify directories
	if [ ! -e $TARGET_PATH/opt ]; then
		echo "NOTE: Creating: $TARGET_PATH/opt"
		mkdir -p $TARGET_PATH/opt
	if [ ! -e $TARGET_PATH/opt/$JAVA_VERSION ]; then
		#tar --checkpoint=1500 --directory=$TARGET_PATH/opt/ -axf  ./jre-$JAVA_VERSION.tar.gz
		echo "NOTE: ./jre-$JAVA_VERSION.tar.gz unpacking to $TARGET_PATH/opt/"
		tar --checkpoint=1500 --directory=$TARGET_PATH/opt/ -axf  ./jre-$JAVA_VERSION.tar.gz
function java_download_java(){
	# Download java
	if [ ! -z "$JAVA_VERSION" ]; then 
		if [ ! -z "$JAVA_BUNDLE_ID" ]; then
			wget -nc $JAVA_URL$JAVA_BUNDLE_ID -O ./jre-$JAVA_VERSION.tar.gz	
			echo "ERROR: JAVA_BUNDLE_ID unresolved. Terminating."
		echo "ERROR: JAVA_VERSION:=$JAVA_VERSION is unresolved. Terminating"
function java_help(){
	echo "TODO: java_help not implemeneted"
function java_clean(){
	if [ "$1" == "--clean" -o "$1" == "--pristine" ]; then
		# TODO_CODE: clean up links? Can't just remove directories as 
		# that will remove other apps stuff.
function java_pristine(){
	if [ "$1" == "--pristine" ]; then
		rm -f ./$JAVA_VERSION.tar.gz
function java_make_sfs() {	
	# Create the sfs file	
	#		incosistent with other scripts.
#	if [ $WORK_FOLDER=='' || $TARGET_PATH=='' ]; then
#		echo "WARNING: could not resolve WORK_FOLDER or TARGET_PATH"
#		exit 0
#	else
		echo "mksquashfs:=  $TARGET_PATH $JAVA_PATH_VERSION_NAME.sfs -noappend"
		mksquashfs  $TARGET_PATH $JAVA_PATH_VERSION_NAME.sfs -noappend
#	fi
function java_main() {
# TODO_CODE: Make java.desktop and icon references.

if [  "$THIS_FILE_NAME" == $THIS_BASENAME ]; then
	#TODO: Shuld use push and pop (folder)? 
echo "END: " $THIS_BASENAME " at " $(pwd)

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Puppus Dogfellow
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#4 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

works well in precise 5.7.1. thanks.

(no sfs, only a gz file in 5.5 for some reason).

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#5 Post by musher0 »


Why stop there?

Include lots of java apps in that java sfs too, while you're at it! :D

Only the java JRE with no java apps to use it with, come on now!!! :)


"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)

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#6 Post by Uten »

Puppus Dogfellow wrote:(no sfs, only a gz file in 5.5 for some reason).
No error messages? Or rather, it's a bit stupid and I will change it when I get the time. But for now you should look in /tmp/sfs-java to find the sfs unless you modify the paths at the top of the script.
musher0 wrote:@Uten

Why stop there?

Include lots of java apps in that java sfs too, while you're at it! :D

Only the java JRE with no java apps to use it with, come on now!!! :)


Basically because I don't use java anymore. It's way to resource hungry for the machines I use :D

But, who knows. Maybe later.

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Puppus Dogfellow
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#7 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

Uten wrote:
Puppus Dogfellow wrote:(no sfs, only a gz file in 5.5 for some reason).
No error messages? Or rather, it's a bit stupid and I will change it when I get the time. But for now you should look in /tmp/sfs-java to find the sfs unless you modify the paths at the top of the script.
my apologies, uten. how i saw it there on one machine but not the other...
:? :oops:

anyway, thanks again.

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#8 Post by Uten »

No problem @Puppus, I have been there and done that myself :roll:

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Newcomer to code and consoles here . . .

#9 Post by Marley »


I copied the code and put it into a file in the appropriate directory - my applications/bin.

I'm using Precise Puppy 5.7.1 and see that it should run no problem - I just don't know how to run it! I'm new to the console commands etc and when I go into the directory and try out a few things I think should work - I just get told the file is not found - very confusing but I'm sure I'm just missing some simple step.

Any guidance is greatly appreciated - I am in awe of your code since I find 10 lines of php a major acheivement for myself being new to coding :?

Thanks in advance for a little very basic walkthrough. I'm using SeaMonkey btw if that makes a difference.

PS - how did you create your avatar - it's really 'cool' :)

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Re: Newcomer to code and consoles here . . .

#10 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

Marley wrote:Hi,

I copied the code and put it into a file in the appropriate directory - my applications/bin.

I'm using Precise Puppy 5.7.1 and see that it should run no problem - I just don't know how to run it! I'm new to the console commands etc and when I go into the directory and try out a few things I think should work - I just get told the file is not found - very confusing but I'm sure I'm just missing some simple step.

Any guidance is greatly appreciated - I am in awe of your code since I find 10 lines of php a major acheivement for myself being new to coding :?

Thanks in advance for a little very basic walkthrough. I'm using SeaMonkey btw if that makes a difference.

PS - how did you create your avatar - it's really 'cool' :)
just click the script to run it (or hit f5 or the execute button if it's opened in geany). if you haven't messed with the stock rox color scheme, it should be green. if it isn't, you'll need to change permissions--right click > permissions > quiet or yes. next thing to check is the /tmp folder--the sfs should be there in a folder named java-sfs.



based on this (i'm also new to linux/the terminal), the way to do it from the terminal is

Code: Select all

chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/;; rox /tmp

(i'd first try the GUI way since it's confirmed to work--i've yet to change permissions on anything from the terminal in actuality.)

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#11 Post by Marley »

Thank you! Knowing how things should look so I could know that I was on the right track was a great help! - ie the name being 'green' because phew! I haven't messed with the stock ROX filer colour scheme and yes, there was a tmp file for the (since I learn best by doing - I can and do mess with things, forget and then cause some wild issues sometimes which was my fear this time)

Still, when I clicked the file (I thought) nothing happened - since I suspected I have messed with things up on my hard drive installation of puppy I decided to try fresh from the live CD - I mean run the computer on that, install the code in the my-applications folder and follow your instructions.

And then duh! I saw the /root/my-applications/bin/jre-8u40.tar.gz file just appear poof like that! - so fast!!! And I realized that this appeared on the computer puppy installation too! - but all just so fast I didn't think it appeared but had been there all the time and I didn't clue in what jre etc was referring to - that is one fast download! It did download right it wasn't hiding in the script? - I know I must sound like a person who's seen technology for the first time or fire! :shock: :lol:

In any case, thank you again - maybe now could you guide me - what do I do to extract the files?

When I click on the jre package XArchive pops up and lists all the files - so far so good - then if I click Extract it says - I assume you want them all extracted - which I assume I do - but just so I don't mess up - am I supposed to just then click 'extract' and will that put everything in the appropriate place or do I have to choose a specific folder for the jre files?

Thank you very much for your help. It is good to know someone else is new to the command line :)

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#12 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

Marley wrote:Hi
Thank you! Knowing how things should look so I could know that I was on the right track was a great help! - ie the name being 'green' because phew! I haven't messed with the stock ROX filer colour scheme and yes, there was a tmp file for the (since I learn best by doing - I can and do mess with things, forget and then cause some wild issues sometimes which was my fear this time)

Still, when I clicked the file (I thought) nothing happened - since I suspected I have messed with things up on my hard drive installation of puppy I decided to try fresh from the live CD - I mean run the computer on that, install the code in the my-applications folder and follow your instructions.

And then duh! I saw the /root/my-applications/bin/jre-8u40.tar.gz file just appear poof like that! - so fast!!! And I realized that this appeared on the computer puppy installation too! - but all just so fast I didn't think it appeared but had been there all the time and I didn't clue in what jre etc was referring to - that is one fast download! It did download right it wasn't hiding in the script? - I know I must sound like a person who's seen technology for the first time or fire! :shock: :lol:

In any case, thank you again - maybe now could you guide me - what do I do to extract the files?

When I click on the jre package XArchive pops up and lists all the files - so far so good - then if I click Extract it says - I assume you want them all extracted - which I assume I do - but just so I don't mess up - am I supposed to just then click 'extract' and will that put everything in the appropriate place or do I have to choose a specific folder for the jre files?

Thank you very much for your help. It is good to know someone else is new to the command line :)
you shouldn't have to extract or do anything other than click the sfs file that's now in /tmp/java-sfs--is it there? if it is, it will ask if you want to load, move, or copy it. /tmp is where it was made--that gz file is just part of the process and should delete/transform itself.

fwiw--i tried chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/ in the terminal while i watched the rox folder--it does indeed turn it green/change its permissions. anyway, if the sfs file isn't in that folder in the temp folder, something's gone wrong (enter rox /tmp/java-sfs into a terminal and it will take you there if there in fact exists). you could try rerunning the code from the terminal--that is, just enter the name ( now that the permissions are set and it's in a place/PATH that puppy will check, and if there are any error messages, report them here for Uten to see.

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#13 Post by Marley »

Ahhhh thank you again -

entering rox /tmp/java-sfs
took me to the file - I was looking at the wrong thing - /tmp/ which is in the same folder but not the file you were saying to look for.

I saw the SFS file in the folder and clicking on it started the load process -

One question if you don't mind - just to be 'safe' - I get this message:

Do you want to load 'jre 1.8.0_40.sfs (filesize 63MB)?' WARNING: Using this under 'PUPMODE=2' is EXPERIMENTAL.

I'm not sure if I'm under 'PUPMODE=2' or if it's worth worrying about - have you any idea?

Thank you.

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#14 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

Marley wrote:Ahhhh thank you again -

entering rox /tmp/java-sfs
took me to the file - I was looking at the wrong thing - /tmp/ which is in the same folder but not the file you were saying to look for.

I saw the SFS file in the folder and clicking on it started the load process -

One question if you don't mind - just to be 'safe' - I get this message:

Do you want to load 'jre 1.8.0_40.sfs (filesize 63MB)?' WARNING: Using this under 'PUPMODE=2' is EXPERIMENTAL.

I'm not sure if I'm under 'PUPMODE=2' or if it's worth worrying about - have you any idea?

Thank you.
shinobar left in a lot of the early warning messages from that program's development, if i've read the forum correctly. it's perfectly safe, as is loading more than 6 sfs files (i think i've read the current limit is something like 256?--that may be after a tweak. at least 12 i'm pretty sure...) and having a save file over 1.8 gig (that was a concern--i've had a few over twenty gig with no problem. one was over forty.) so, yes, it's safe. in fact, i've never come across anything about the running of sfs files as unsafe in any way you can manage to manage it...

a quick check shows pupmode 2 is full install. sfs files load fine if that's indeed what you have.

only type i can't vouch for is livecd/dvd installations. i've booted off cds but don't save to them, though again, i can't remember sfs files being a problem for anyone--it's an integral part of puppy. full installs came later, i believe, and that's why shinobar's warning messages caution you--there was a time (long, long ago in puppy terms) when no one knew for sure some of the options would work.

i'm pretty sure you'll get prompted to make the move anyway, but the sfs file is better off in /mnt/home than in /tmp (which i take as "temporary" and avoid using as much as possible)

further reading on pupmodes and more, if you're interested: ... works.html

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#15 Post by Uten »

Hi @Marley,
Thanks for your input. I have edited first post and made a short tutorial to ease usage for those of you without to much CLI experience.

I have to admit the Avatar is not my creation. Got it from one of the avatar sites ( But I to think it is cool and unfortunately reflects my state of mind quite often :shock:

The reason you get the jre*.tar.gz in my-applications/bin/ is that I use a repository for downloaded files in my setup. It should not end up in my-applications/bin/ so I consider that a bug and fix it in the next release.

Thank you @Puppus for taking the time to explain the things I have taken for granted.

EDIT: fixed some spelling errors.

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#16 Post by Marley »

Hi everyone,

Sorry for the bit of a delay in posting - I got the java up and running - wanted to post that - worked fine.

I was trying to sign up for web testing but though the java worked and was recognized by the site for some reason I couldn't download their software. I'm not sure if it had something to do with my computer - they were a site whose security wasn't high enough for seamonkey or java security. I put them on the exception list but still their end said there was a problem.

I'm a bit suspicious of them at this point! Though if anyone knows why this might not have happened and could have been something on my end - I can tend to be a bit suspicious - like they want to track my every move or something (and you ask - why would I test websites then . . . .hmmmm good point!) :lol:

But in case for other reasons I should know something about this kind of situation I'd appreciate any thoughts.

Thank you for the package, Uten - it does work great.

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#17 Post by watchdog »

Have you restarted the browser after updating exception.sites?

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#18 Post by Marley »

Thank you Watchdog!

No, I hadn't - but I did that after your suggestion and it worked!

The software loaded no problem - again many thanks!


oh and ps to Uten - I forgot to thank you for the link to the avatar site - I downloaded a few and maybe I'll put one up here one day when I can choose which one :)


#19 Post by gcmartin »

Hello @Marley and others following this thread.

Many JAVA apps which run in PUPPY Linux are shared at this JAVA APPs thread.

Many apps are there which run in all Puppy, Apple, and Microsoft. JAVA afford this ability for its apps to run everywhere (Yes, I know many already know this).

Hope this info, of thread with apps tested by members, is helpful.

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#20 Post by Marley »

Hello jcmartin,
JAVA afford this ability for its apps to run everywhere
I did not know this. Does that mean you can just download a java app and it will work on Puppy? Would I have to do something to make it work?

I would love to get an analog clock for my desktop - I saw there are java ones - not in the thread list you posted (thank you for that link - there are other goodies there that are very interesting to me! - like candy - all of this!) but other places online - like this one (not definitely this one but it's one I've seen) -

I am more and more happy that this lovely little app by uten worked so easily and well! (like a kid with candy, as I said, a bit greedy I am, maybe! :oops: )

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