Nooby's sister will make a post to test if it all works out

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Very sad news

#81 Post by FeodorF »


we will miss you on our forum !



Fellows had ones called you as being the ‘Puppy Linux Mascot’. I bet those fellows never read your posts on our forum.
Last edited by FeodorF on Mon 23 Jun 2014, 19:04, edited 4 times in total.

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#82 Post by rokytnji »

I admired nooby. He would have made a good stand up biker.
Though he would be the 1st to say "no way jose" with a smile.

His was a tale of struggle.
Master of frugal inside of Windows and his approach was like a pit bull terrier at times.

He had to overcome physical mental struggles to deal with, when problem solving.
But was dogged determined to solve them non the less.

What I specially liked about him was his kindness of heart and empathy for his fellow members of humanity. He would give you his time and with a sense of humour also.

He was a upfront sort of person online not afeared to bare his feelings.
I liked him.

To Noobys sister I feel for you, am sorry for his loss to you, and will miss him also. I wish you and your family the best.

Happy Trails Nooby, Rok

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#83 Post by Ibidem »

My condolences.

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#84 Post by ICPUG »

Paying one of my not so regular visits here and I have seen the news of Nooby.

He and I were probably the leading tub thumpers for Frugal Linux on NTFS and I will miss him greatly.

Apart from the forums we used to occasionally converse via PM. This was the only way we met but I count him as a true friend.

Thanks to all for making sure he did not disappear from these forums with no one knowing what happened.

He lives on in our memories.

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#85 Post by ozsouth »

Nooby modestly, gently asked probing questions that others wanted asked. Sadly missed.

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#86 Post by ardvark »

I, too, wish to offer nooby's family my condolences and best wishes. I was someone he had asked several questions about God. I hope my answers helped him come to truly know and receive Him. :)

Our Lord and Savior [url=]Jesus Christ[/url] loves and cares about you most of all!

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#87 Post by 8-bit »

When our time comes, will we "Go gently into the night"?
Or will it be "Kicking and screaming"?

A lot is to be said for nooby and his view of end of life and his preparation for it as well.

In my case, the wife has our funeral arrangements taken care of even to the extent of plot purchase and coffin purchases.

And in my case as far as music, I am partial to Desrada.
So maybe I am a bit weird in that.
And as I increase in age, the end of life weighs more on my mind.
I do not expect to live forever and would not want to!

But given the two choices at the beginning of my reply, I would want to go out kicking and screaming.

Oh H***, let's face it. I already greatly miss nooby and his involvement on this forum!

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#88 Post by oldyeller »

I am greatly sadden to hear of his passing on. I have always enjoyed reading his post and the humble way he would ask for help and bring things up to dwell on. He will be greatly missed around here.

I am so sorry.

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Nooby, my 'tall Viking friend'..

#89 Post by russoodle »

Thank you so much, Nooby's sister, for your kindness in passing on the news. I don't imagine it was very easy for you to do, especially on that same day. My condolences to you and Nooby's other family members.

Lovely photos, greengeek and FeodorF :)

Nooby, you are an amazing soul, with your inquisitive nature and 'dogged' persistence, your wry sense of humour and such enviable drawing skills....i miss your presence here and the many contributions you made to the kennels. As many have already stated, you've taught us a lot and you're much more respected than you ever imagined. I'm pleased to have been a part of your life in some way.

It saddens me that you passed so soon, but i'm glad you don't have to suffer any longer. Wherever you are now, no doubt you're busy as ever and giving it your all!

Like Sylvander, i remember talking to you on Psip, but it was rather difficult for you with us all jabbering away in English, with various accents to boot, eg. English, Scottish, Canadian, Australian. You did tell me that it was hard to keep track of, and translate on the fly, everything that was being said! I enjoyed our communications over these past several puppy years via email or PM, about many different things. When we spoke over the landline phone, you weren't too comfortable with that...although your grasp of English was very good, i think i probably spoke too fast.. :?

Thank you for posting the his pic, puppyluvr.
Keef wrote:Sorry to hear this, wasn't expecting to get that news so soon.

Maybe we could have another Off-topic subsection called "Nooby's Corner" or something. Any posts that don't include a mention of frugal installs to NTFS partitions will be immediately deleted. Apart from that, anything goes.
That sounds like a plan!

Hugs to you Nooby, my tall Viking friend.. xo
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#90 Post by tronkel »

Sad news. Deepest condolences from everyone on the forum.

He was a huge and loyal Puppy fan and will always be remembered by Puppians.

Thanks for letting us know about this. Don't be too sad though. Everyone dies - some sooner some later.

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So sad

#91 Post by bones01 »

I joined this forum not long after Nooby, and as I began searching for answers to the basic questions we all ask when we begin, I was amazed how often Nooby was asking the same questions. In fact, it is probably true to say that because he asked so many questions, and received so many answers, I didn't have to ask those questions. A lot of others probably had the same experience.

And then I watched the numbers of his posts grow exceedingly quickly. It was like I was an observer and he was a player, a contributor.

I learned a lot because of Nooby.

God's peace to your family.

Brian. (Bones)
Dell Latitude D630 running Puppy 5.2.8 frugal, Macpup 525 frugal (if I can get it working again. Sadly, I couldn't get it fixed :? )
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#92 Post by ThoriumBlvd »


I am also from nooby's humble beginnings, myself May 2008, and I can't think of a better explanation of my own situation than yours. Back then I had the nic 8Geee and basically lurked here for a long time. Nooby was and is an absolute must read on the simpler things Puppy. Like you, never really had to ask questions, just read the Beginner's section.

For those people who are new here, Nooby's diagnosis from Nov. 2013 came straight to mind. Just three pages, but get to know him in life and in death and that road between.... and look back at some of the beginner's Help.

Rest in Peace with eternal Joy, you are missed.
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#93 Post by sunburnt »

I can`t remember how long ago it was that I started talking to nooby.
He helped me chase bugs in apps I`d written.

Much like Robin Williams, he will be sorely missed.

So long my old friend, I`ll see you on the other side... Terry B.

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#94 Post by linuxcbon »

RIP Nooby, I just read the news today... :(

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Cheerio, Pal !!!

#95 Post by babaguy »

I also just heard this news of our dear Nooby's passing away to the other side.

He was/is an amazing, helpful, tenacious (as described earlier here) Puppy Linux Wonder.

I found so many of his posts to be helpful to me, even though I step away from the forum for years at a time - He was also compassionate yet very focused in the details of helpful answers.

Maybe a "Truly Off-Topic Conversation" could be trying to see if Nooby makes contact via "ELECTRONIC VOICE PHENOMENON (EVP)" or "INSTRUMENTAL TRANS-COMMUNICATION (ITC)" -

May sound wild, but stranger things have happened and are happening all the time! Friedrich Jurgenson, one of the pioneers of ITC and EVP detection, was Swedish, an Actor and Film Maker - and he even managed to get a snap shot of his face onto his friends' TV screen a couple hundred miles away from where his body was being buried...

Don't mean to sound macabre - I had/have such a great liking for and admiration of Nooby - but this video will explain when I'm mentioning here:

Love & Best to Nooby's immediate family and to ALL his Puppy Linux family, now and ever,

- "babaguy"
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Re: Cheerio, Pal !!!

#96 Post by saintless »

Just fixed empty space in url tag to make your post visible.
babaguy wrote:I also just heard this news of our dear Nooby's passing away to the other side.

He was/is an amazing, helpful, tenacious (as described earlier here) Puppy Linux Wonder.

I found so many of his posts to be helpful to me, even though I step away from the forum for years at a time - He was also compassionate yet very focused in the details of helpful answers.

Maybe a "Truly Off-Topic Conversation" could be trying to see if Nooby makes contact via "ELECTRONIC VOICE PHENOMENON (EVP)" or "INSTRUMENTAL TRANS-COMMUNICATION (ITC)" -

May sound wild, but stranger things have happened and are happening all the time! Friedrich Jurgenson, one of the pioneers of ITC and EVP detection, was Swedish, an Actor and Film Maker - and he even managed to get a snap shot of his face onto his friends' TV screen a couple hundred miles away from where his body was being buried...

Don't mean to sound macabre - I had/have such a great liking for and admiration of Nooby - but this video will explain when I'm mentioning here:

Love & Best to Nooby's immediate family and to ALL his Puppy Linux family, now and ever,

- "babaguy"

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Nooby's sister will make a post to test if it all works out

#97 Post by Sky Aisling »

Regarding Babaguy's posting of the video about
I had this happen to me after my mother died.
One day I was working on my computer shortly after she had died and as clear as bell a message from my mom appeared on the screen. The screen turned white and her message was in regular font just as I am typing this now.

I was startled, puzzled but not frightened.

The typed page lasted only long enough for me to read it then the screen went back to the page that I originally had up.

This 'event' has never happened again.
And, no, I didn't type it there myself.
The message just appeared for a brief moment on the screen.

Who knows?...I think JK Rowling might be onto something. :)
What a perfect nooby topic.

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Thanks, Saintless!

#98 Post by babaguy »

Thanks, Saintless for fixing my post - Couldn't figure out WHY the bulletin board software (apparently) wouldn't allow me to post !

I'm way more of a newbie than Nooby ever was, despite us being members here for almost the same amount of time...

Amazing story, Sky - You'll really get a kick out of the movie "CALLING EARTH" which is up on Vimeo - (I'm not fooling around with any more HTML tags!)

The movie is obviously a labo(u)r of love by Dan Drasin, the Producer/Director, and the version up on Vimeo is parts 1-10 of what he envisages as an 11 part video:

If I hear from Nooby, I'll be sure to post here - You all do likewise!

Love & Best, now and ever,

- "babaguy"
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#99 Post by Mr. Hughes »

I can't believe I missed this..., when I heard the news it brought me to tears :cry:

You will be sorely missed friend. The puppy forums will never be the same.

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#100 Post by mcewanw »

I'm still missing you Nooby.
github mcewanw

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