Bacon 101 using only the official *.bac files used here

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Bacon 101 using only the official *.bac files used here

#1 Post by big_bass »

I am going to confirm the examples and make notes
with the goal to have a quick reference to any problems
such as missing dependencies or such to get all the examples
solved in one post in one place
all the easy examples that have no problems will be excluded
basically a walk though of some of the tricky things
I encountered getting the apps to run

main official website
Import definitions when using HUG as a shared object= hug_imports.bac :
the HUG abstraction layer= hug.bac
Last edited by big_bass on Sun 02 Oct 2011, 16:58, edited 10 times in total.

Posts: 1740
Joined: Mon 13 Aug 2007, 12:21

#2 Post by big_bass »

Creating and linking to libraries created with BaCon

here it is with the examples given in the documentation

I added showing the code output
using these two test files

call this libdemo.bac

Code: Select all

i = 5 * n

call this program.bac

Code: Select all

x = 5
result = bla(x)
PRINT result 

let's make the lib using the -f option

Code: Select all

bacon -f libdemo.bac 
Converting 'libdemo.bac'... done.
Compiling 'libdemo.bac'... done.
Program '' ready.

let's link the lib to the program using the -l option
notice that here you don't use the lib prefix in the command line
but this is the correct way to link to the program

Code: Select all

 bacon -l demo program.bac 
Converting 'program.bac'... done.
Compiling 'program.bac'... done.
Program 'program' ready.

let's check if the library is seen by the ldd command

Code: Select all

 ldd /root/bacon-examples/program => (0xffffe000) => /lib/ (0xb7fbc000) => /lib/ (0xb7fb8000) => /usr/lib/ (0xb7fac000) => /lib/ (0xb7eb1000)
/lib/ (0xb7fdf000)

shows that the documentation is correct the is linked and understood by ldd
as being a real shared library *because it has a lib prefix

let's prove if the program runs

Code: Select all


the output is 25

everything works as described (there needs to be some "re-thinking" about how this
really works ) in order to benefit from this advantage of having shared libs


Posts: 1740
Joined: Mon 13 Aug 2007, 12:21

curl bacon

#3 Post by big_bass »

focus on curldemo3.bac

Interfaces are straight imports from external libraries into BaCon.

instead of reviewing some standard linux package differences
between compiling static and compiling shared

the focus here is what does all this mean when we use BaCon
"most" of the binaries we compile in BaCon have no dependencies
they are stand alone apps without statically compiled libs

some apps have a dependency of as being the only
"special" shared dependency (this method produces the smallest binaries )

but we can link to a shared library in the next example using curl
the linux app curl (not the bacon curl.bac)

using the official demo from the main bacon website ( the error you may get) after compiling

Code: Select all


Symbol not found in library /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: curl_easy_pause

this means that you dont have curl the "real program" installed
for me I compiled and made this package curl-7.21.4-i486-1.txz you can use your own curl package
the error reads no shared lib-->
for this reason the BaCon program curldemo3 can not read the library and get the needed info

now install the curl-7.21.4-i486-1.txz package and try again (or your curl package)

Code: Select all

Downloaded 'documentation.pdf' using CURL version: libcurl/7.21.4 OpenSSL/0.9.8e zlib/1.2.3

this shows that BaCon compiled apps can and do utilize the shared libraries
in the same way that when you install other linux programs


Posts: 1740
Joined: Mon 13 Aug 2007, 12:21

#4 Post by big_bass »

auto download compile install bacon with the files auto modified
to allow for shared libraries (this sets up everything needed for the examples )

*minor update to save all the old files in /usr/share/BaCon/old-version-saved as a safety
thanks to GatorDog for the kind warning

Code: Select all


# Joe Arose  big_bass 12-14-2010 last update 11-1-2011
# call this  auto-build-compile-bacon2
# auto download compile install
# so you can easily update when needed

# thanks "mechanic" for the speed tip  using bacon instead of bacon.bash for compiling

# thanks seaside for the bash version test

BASHV=$(bash --version | head -1)
VN=$(echo $BASHV | cut -f1 -d. | sed 's/^.*\(.\)$/\1/')
[ $VN -lt 4 ] && Xdialog --title "bash version test " \
           --infobox "\nBash Version Problem $BASHV installed
---------------> Bash must be version 4 or above for BaCon <-------------------" "\n" 0 0

#   =====================================
#    downoad ,compile and install BaCon
#   =====================================

Xdialog --wrap --title "bacon instlaller" \
        --yesno "Do you want to install bacon  " 0 0

case $? in
    echo "Yes chosen."
mkdir -p /usr/share/BaCon/old-version-saved
mkdir -p /usr/share/BaCon/
cd /usr/share/BaCon/

mv  bacon.bash* bacon* hug.bac* hug_imports* bacon.lang* bacon.* *.c *.h *.log /usr/share/BaCon/old-version-saved || true

# bacon.bash
xterm  -geometry 40x30+150+40 -e wget -N
chmod a+x bacon.bash

# bacon.bac
xterm  -geometry 40x30+150+40 -e wget -N
chmod a+x bacon.bac

# fix for bash if you have a different version you compiled
# depends on the replace app
#replace '#!/usr/bin/env bash' '#!/bin/bash'  bacon.bash

# use sed (#!/usr/bin/env bash change to #!/bin/bash)
sed -i 's/\#\!\/usr\/bin\/env bash/\#\!\/bin\/bash/' /usr/share/BaCon/bacon.bash

# much faster with a pre installed bacon ( use this if you have bacon installed )
# to compile a fresh bacon binary with a pre installed bacon
#xterm  -geometry 40x30+150+40 -e bacon bacon.bac

# very slow *without* a pre installed bacon  (default for a safety )
# to compile a fresh bacon binary *without* a pre installed bacon
xterm  -geometry 40x30+150+40 -e '. /usr/share/BaCon/bacon.bash bacon.bac'

# copy bacon bin into the path
cp bacon /usr/sbin

# hug.bac
xterm  -geometry 40x30+150+40 -e wget -N

# hug_imports.bac
xterm  -geometry 40x30+150+40 -e wget -N

# auto edit the hug_imports.bac  must have the replace command installed
#replace  'CONST HUG_lib$ = "./"' 'CONST HUG_lib$ = "/usr/lib/"' hug_imports.bac

# auto edit the hug_imports.bac
sed -i 's/\.\/\/usr\/lib\/' hug_imports.bac

# use the new bacon binary to make the new
cp hug.bac libhug.bac
xterm  -geometry 40x30+150+40 -e bacon -f libhug.bac

md5sum >md5sum_libhug.txt

# add a md5sum in the sources
sed -i "2a \'$MD " hug_imports.bac

cp /usr/lib

# bacon.lang
xterm  -geometry 40x30+150+40 -e wget -N

Xdialog --title "Complete" \
           --infobox "\nInstalling bacon has finished.\n" 0 0 3000
     #clean up C crap
     rm -f *.c
     rm -f *.h

    echo "No chosen."
    echo "Box closed."


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