Works great on Puppy 4: Hayes Accura v92.0 external serial

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Works great on Puppy 4: Hayes Accura v92.0 external serial

#1 Post by shroomy_bee »

I'm sure I saw this modem model listed in some help file someplace already, but now I can't find it so I'll put it in here!

Hayes Accura v92.0 works very well (also works on win98 if that's any help for anyone), didn't need any drivers for Puppy, no modifications either.

Just click on the desktop 'Connect' icon, then select the radio button for 'connect to internet using dialup analogue modem',

type the ISP phonenumber in, and the username and password for the account,

change the speed to '115200',

(I also just ticked 'auto reconnect' and 'stupid mode' as failsafes)

and then press the button to connect - and that's you, it dialsup real quick and you're online.

nb - mine is only running at v90, which it also did on w98, so it might just be that my ISP doesn't use the faster v92. I think Puppy only uses v90 anyway on the later version? - still works faster for me than the other 56k I was using.

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