How to boot Puppy from USB in UEFI computer with Win10

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How to boot Puppy from USB in UEFI computer with Win10

#1 Post by oldaolgeezer »

How boot Puppy on a UEFI Dell Inspiron 3552 Laptop with Windows 10,
booting into puppy xenialpup64 via a physically tiny Sandisk "Cruzer Fit" 8 GB USB flash drive

This was my first adventure with UEFI BIOS PC's and Windows 10, therefore I
wanted to try Puppy Linux from a USB flash drive without changing
the Windows 10's hard drive and making minimal changes to the BIOS settings.

Thanks to 666philb for xenialpup64
Thanks to 01micko for slacko64-6.3.2-uefi
Thanks to 666philb for tahr-6.0.6


I started by following Limbomusic's UEFI suggestions (with only a
few modifications) from here: ... 006#973006

My Sandisk "Cruzer Fit" 8 GB USB flash drive was already formated fat32
with the "boot flag" set "on".

On the USB drive, I made a folder called EFI with a single subfolder
inside EFI called boot. (EFI/boot)

I downloaded the file: bootx64.efi, from here: ... ootx64.efi
to the USB drive's "EFI/boot" folder (this file is the grub2 boot logic program.)

You can download the data file: grub.cfg from here:
to the root of the USB flash drive. (This file can be edited as a text file by Geany,
however I have included my own version of this file as an attachment.)
(Note: the "big" linux distros have a special script which builds their grub.cfg file,
perhaps if they have put grub.cfg and EFI/boot/bootx64.efi on your one and only
Windows 10 hard drive, you need to be more careful with the contents of grub.cfg.
Much of the "big" linux distros' grub2 and UEFI manuals refer to the parameters
fed to their special build script.)

I downloaded the xenialpup64 ISO puppy linux file and clicked on the ISO and then
copied these four files to a folder named: xenialpup64_7.0.8.6 on USB flash drive:

Likewise, the four files in a folder named: slacko64-6.3.2-uefi on USB flash drive:

and finally the four files in a folder named: tahr-6.0.6 on USB flash drive:


My grub.cfg file is shown below (I like a blank line to show between grub2 boot
choices and I wanted to be able to try booting Puppy xenialpup64_7.0.8.6 or
slacko64-6.3.2-uefi or the tahr-6.0.6):

insmod png
background_image /uefi_splash1.png

menuentry "xenialpup64_7.0.8.6" {

search --set -f /xenialpup64_7.0.8.6/vmlinuz

linux /xenialpup64_7.0.8.6/vmlinuz psubdir=xenialpup64_7.0.8.6 i915.modeset=0

initrd /xenialpup64_7.0.8.6/initrd.gz


menuentry ' '{

menuentry "slacko64-6.3.2-uefi" {

search --set -f /slacko64-6.3.2-uefi/vmlinuz

linux /slacko64-6.3.2-uefi/vmlinuz psubdir=/slacko64-6.3.2-uefi

initrd /slacko64-6.3.2-uefi/initrd.gz


menuentry ' '{

menuentry "tahr-6.0.6" {

search --set -f /tahr-6.0.6/vmlinuz

linux /tahr-6.0.6/vmlinuz psubdir=/tahr-6.0.6 modeset=0

initrd /tahr-6.0.6/initrd.gz


menuentry ' '{

menuentry "Shutdown" {

menuentry ' '{

menuentry "Reboot" {


Copy the file: "grub.cfg" to the root of the USB flash drive.

Boot the Dell Inspiron 3552 laptop and immediately tap the F2 boot key to enter
the Dell BIOS Setup:
select the "Boot" parameter: "Secure Boot", press Enter, and choose: "Disabled"
- save the BIOS changes and exit. (This is a one time step.)

(Note: my Windows 10 seems to be still able to boot up with "Secure Boot" disabled)

Next, boot the Dell Inspiron 3552 PC with your USB flash drive plugged in
and immediately tap the F12 boot key to get into the DELL BIOS boot-menu.
choose the line with the name of the USB flash drive that you have just made.

Use the keyboard "arrow" keys to choose the ISO to be booted.

After the USB flash drive boots that Puppy, check a few options and
shutdown to create the Frugal save file on the USB flash drive in
the xenialpup64_7.0.8.6 or other directory.
(This Frugal save file creation is a one time step.)

A few additional tips from Limbomusic:

----- oh and ----
If you get the Puppy error message "Windows hibernated partition"
- press ctrl-alt-del to reboot into Windows 10.

Right click start button and choose: "Command prompt as administrator"
and type in: powercfg /h off
(This turns off hibernation in windows 10
- type "powercfg /h on" to turn it back on)

----- oh and ----
If you get an error message when trying to boot from USB flash drive
- go into BIOS and re-set "Secure boot" to "Disabled"
- save and exit the BIOS.


Most of the above is thanks to Limbomusic's UEFI suggestions: ... 006#973006
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#2 Post by Limbomusic »

This is awesome :-)
Good explanation of how to boot different puppies. (and very happy to see that my posts helped :-) )

I just wanted to chime in with info about noryb009 s fabulous LICK (dual-boot win10 and puppy)
Original link:
Which I mirrored at ... -win32.exe

After downloading and installing lick - just start it. Drag an ISO from puppy of choice over - and wait (can sometimes take a while
for the bootloader to install) - reboot and then u can choose to start win10 or puppy.
Additional info: ... indows-10/

Oh and if u wanna have a cool lick boot-screen: ... _lick.html

Hugs and kisses oldaolgeezer :-)

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#3 Post by bigpup »

You can also just install Grub4dos boot loader to the USB drive and use it to boot the drive.

Do have to run Grub4dos Bootloader Config, from a running Puppy, to initially get Grub4dos installed.
select to install to the USB drive and search only within this device.

(Yes, it can be run while you are running Puppy from that same USB drive you are trying to install Grub4dos on.)

Makes a boot menu with everything on the USB drive.
The menu is setup automatically for Puppy specific boot features.

If you install a new Puppy to the USB drive.
Rerun Grub4dos Config and select to install to the USB drive and search only within this device.
The new Puppy will be added to the menu.

How to get the computer to boot from a USB is the same process.
I too have to turn off secure boot, to even get the computer to let me choose a USB drive to boot from.
Last edited by bigpup on Fri 22 May 2020, 12:16, edited 1 time in total.
The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
When I was a kid I wanted to be older.... This is not what I expected :shock:
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#4 Post by bigpup »

immediately tap the F2 boot key to enter bios setup.
immediately tap the F12 boot key to get into the DELL BIOS boot-menu.
Just hold the key down until whatever screen pops up.
Release key.
Holding the key down is the same as repeating the input.
The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
When I was a kid I wanted to be older.... This is not what I expected :shock:
YaPI(any iso installer)

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Boot Puppy from USB in UEFI computer with Win10

#5 Post by oldaolgeezer »

Thanks bigpup for your: "Just hold the key down until whatever screen pops up" trick

(Because I wanted to make the fewest changes to my UEFI Dell Inspiron 3552
Laptop's Windows 10 hard drive, I only use a USB flash drive
to boot Puppy Linux on it.
The UEFI Dell Inspiron 3552 seems to only allow a few seconds on powering up for a user to press F2 or F12 key to enter its BIOS,
sometimes I have inadvertently delayed too long and booted into Windows 10.
When I saw my mistake, I tried holding down the power
button to do a quick power off and then rebooted with F12 to retry booting Puppy.
I was greeted with a Linux error message from ntfs-3g saying the
Windows ntfs hard drive could only be mounted read only because it was hibernated.
I had to cntl+alt+delete and let Windows 10 boot again and then click on the shutdown/reboot button
in the lower right cornor of the Windows 10 logon screen.)

So your tip of holding down the F12 key is great for me !


However, I seem to need more detail about your other tip on using the Grub4dos boot loader to boot the
USB drive on my UEFI Dell Inspiron 3552 Laptop.
(I like Grub4dos and have used it for years on my older PC's.
I only used grub2 because I thought it was necessary on UEFI BIOS PC's.)

I tried pluging in one of my older USB flash drives (that boot fine on my older computers) to my UEFI Dell Inspiron 3552 Laptop
and holding down F12 key but my Grub4dos USB flash drive doesn't even get offered as a boot choice on my Dell Inspiron 3552 BIOS boot menu.

Thanks for any additional help.

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#6 Post by bigpup »

In the bios I have secure boot disabled.
On my computer, that seems to be all that is needed for Grub4dos to work on the USB drive.

Some computers have a bios option for enable legacy boot.
Yours may have that.

You could have a UEFI bios that wants to see something specific as a boot device.
In the past the format was an issue in some bioses.
Wanted to see fat32 format and the boot flag option on the drive.

I installed Grub4dos boot loader to the USB drive
Selected the USB drive as the place to install Grub4dos.
Selected to search only on this device.

used the default settings in Grub4dos config for every other selection.

Grub4dos is installed to the USB drive.
Installed to the MBR of the drive.
Lists only stuff on the USB drive.
The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
When I was a kid I wanted to be older.... This is not what I expected :shock:
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Hibernate should be shut off in Windows 10

#7 Post by purple379 »

Microsoft came up with a way to make a computer boot faster by not shutting down the hard drive, but by putting it into Hibernate mode, rather than shutting it down. Some versions of Linux just say the drive is in hibernate mode, and then start up anyway.

Might be easier to change the Windows 10 mode at Power Down from Hibernate to Shutdown in the Windows 10 Settings -Power area.

Wonder what kind of hard drive you have as well? Is it an SSD, some SSD's have problem with Linux. or perhaps you have a computer that has a SSD with the hard drive to speed things up that might be an issue.

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Boot Puppy from USB in UEFI computer with Win10

#8 Post by oldaolgeezer »


Firstly, I want to thank you for clues about booting the old familar grub4dos Puppy iso's on USB flash drives.

I might explain that I have used only old WIN XP PC's while dabbling with Puppy Linux.
My new Dell, with Windows 10, is the first new computer I have had.
Until now, I had only slightly followed the issues of others on this forum with their UEFI Bios questions.
When my new Dell arrived, I used google to look at UEFI issues in linux in general, and
the Ubuntu and Debian forum users seemed to be only booting with UEFI grub2.

(I reported in an above post that a grub4dos flash drive was not offered as a boot option.
That was incorrect.
It was detected but it didn't catch my eye because the flash drive brand name was not displayed
like it is for bootable UEFI flash drives.)

After reading Bigpup's suggestions above, I began experimenting on my Dell UEFI laptop with flash drives made in the old familar way with grub4dos.

I am showing below what my Dell's Inspiron 3552 Bios screen displays so that other recent Dell owners can see how to use either UEFI grub2
and/or the tried and true grub4dos method of booting Puppy linux.
(I didn't need to make any additional changes to my laptop's BIOS settings other than those described in the first post of this thread.)

My Dell's Inspiron 3552 Laptop has American Megatrends BIOS version: 4.0.13

F12 pressed during power up shows the following screen when the UEFI flash drive I described in the first post in this thread is inserted:

Legacy Options:
Hard Drive
USB Storage Device
UEFI Options:
Windows Boot Manager
USB1 - UEFI OS(SanDisk Cruzer Fit 1.27) <==== this is the flash drive I described above
Other Options:
Enter Setup

and rebooting for a second test:

F12 pressed during power up shows the following screen when a grub4dos flash drive is inserted:

Legacy Options:
Hard Drive
USB Storage Device <==== this is the grub4dos Flash Drive (notice there is no USB brand name displayed)
UEFI Options:
Windows Boot Manager <==== no USB drive shows here
Other Options:
Enter Setup

I successfully booted tahr-6.0.6 via my grub4dos flash drive as Bigpup described.
(I was able, in a similar way, to boot via grub4dos, Slacko 5.7.0
but it didn't have a Qualcomm Atheros QCA9565 AR9565 wireless driver my laptop needed so, for now, I will stick to
grub4dos tahr-6.0.6.)

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#9 Post by TheTKS »

To be able, in any Linux, to mount NTFS partitions and access their files , or access files without buggering them up, you can prevent Win 10 from effectively hibernating them when it shuts down by doing one or both of:

In Win 10, turn off fast startup:
- In Cortana, type in Power Options
- Click on Power Options Control Panel (will probably show up as best match)
- Control Panel pops up. Near top left click on "Control what the power buttons do"
- Near the top middle, click on "Change settings that are currently unavailable"
- Near the bottom middle, click off "Turn on fast startup (recommended)"

In BIOS, you might also have to disable something like FastBoot. You'll have to check for yourself if you have it, and if you do, if you need to do anything with it.

After turning off fast startup, Win 10 might boot up more slowly. I didn't notice any difference, some people do (but I almost never use Win 10 at home anymore.)

Terry H
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Re: Boot Puppy from USB in UEFI computer with Win10

#10 Post by Terry H »

oldaolgeezer wrote: I successfully booted tahr-6.0.6 via my grub4dos flash drive as Bigpup described.
(I was able, in a similar way, to boot via grub4dos, Slacko 5.7.0
but it didn't have a Qualcomm Atheros QCA9565 AR9565 wireless driver my laptop needed so, for now, I will stick to
grub4dos tahr-6.0.6.)
To get missing wireless firmware , you can just copy the firmware for the ar9565 from a working puppy. When you boot the puppy that doesn't have the required firmware, you copy it to the directory /lib/firmware. After saving it will be included in your save file/folder. You should then have working wifi.

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How to boot Puppy from USB in UEFI computer with Win10

#11 Post by oldaolgeezer »

purple379 and TheTKS:

Thank you for the suggestion about disabling WIN10 hibernation.
I have only used WIN10 on this laptop a few times and, in a post above,
I was reminded by Puppy's ntfs-3g driver that WIN10 had left the
hard drive hibernated. (Limbomusic had warned about that issue also.)


Terry H :

Since many Puppy users have a favorite derivative, I tried to follow up
on your suggestion for my own old favorite slacko 5.7.0 to copy missing
Qualcomm Atheros ar9565 firmware from a newer Puppy.

But I could not find any *9565* firmware on the newer tahr-6.0.6
(which detects my ar9565 wireless on booting.)

After more research, it appears that the ar9565 firmware in tahr-6.0.6
is provided via the "ath-9k" named driver modules.
(at least in my tahr-6.0.6 "ath-9k stuff" is "sprayed" in a number of
operating system directories.
Such as:


After that research left my head spinning, I feel that I need to quote the Puppy Master's words on an unrelated driver issue:
"There's too much that I don't know here."

So I think at this time, I will stick with the grub4dos or UEFI Puppy versions
that work for me on my Dell Inspiron 3552 Laptop "out of the box".

Hopefully this thread will be helpful to other Puppy UEFI Dell
Inspiron 3000 series Laptop owners.

I thank those who commented and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.

Terry H
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#12 Post by Terry H »

In a terminal:

Code: Select all

dmesg | grep wifi
This will identify the firmware which is missing that is being attempted to be loaded.

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How to boot Puppy from USB in UEFI computer with Win10

#13 Post by oldaolgeezer »

Terry H:

Thank you for your help with trying to get a Qualcomm Atheros AR9565 wireless
to work in the old slacko 5.7.0 puppy.

I am now away from my Dell Inspiron 3552 Laptop and will not be using
it for a few weeks while away visiting family members.

However before I left home, I did try your suggested command
in a terminal on my Dell Inspiron 3552 Laptop:

dmesg | grep wifi

it gave no output. (neither did my visual inspection of just a dmesg
command show any "wifi" string.)

Thank you for your support.

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How to boot Puppy from USB in UEFI computer with Win10

#14 Post by oldaolgeezer »

In the first post of this thread, I said I wanted to boot Puppy Linux on my new UEFI Dell Inspiron 3552
laptop with Windows 10, using a physically tiny Sandisk "Cruzer Fit" 8 GB USB flash drive
without changing the Windows 10's hard drive files and making minimal changes to the BIOS settings.

I liked the old grub4dos technique of being able to boot various Puppy's frugal installs on my older PC's
and I wanted to use a similar technique on my Dell Inspiron 3552 but using its UEFI with grub2.

Using the method mentioned in the first post of this thread, I was able to successfully boot a
number of Puppy versions, but I noticed that my flash drive was beginning to fill up
with those Puppy version directories (each with their own four files and their frugal save file.)

I wondered if grub2 could boot those Puppy versions each in their own folder
(the way grub4dos works) when the Puppy folders were stored on the Windows 10 hard
drive instead of my flash drive (and what syntax changes would be needed to the file: grub.cfg
to make that work.)

It seems that if each directory containing the three or four Puppy version files and
frugal save file were put on the Windows 10 partition's "root directory", no changes were
needed to the file: grub.cfg !
(The "find" command in grub.cfg seems to at least find the named Puppy folder in the root
directory on the Windows 10 system disk (sda3 on my Dell Inspiron 3552). I could not discover
to what depth limit the grub2's "find" command searched.)

My new test was done on a different empty Sandisk "Cruzer Fit" 8 GB USB flash drive which
was formated fat32 and then the "boot flag" set "on".

On that USB drive, I made a folder called EFI with a single subfolder
inside EFI called boot. (note the upper and lower case of the directory names: EFI/boot )

I downloaded Limbomusic's file: bootx64.efi, from here: ... ootx64.efi
to the USB drive's "EFI/boot" folder (this file is the grub2 boot logic program.)

Only two more files are needed on the flash drive's "root directory":
background_image /uefi_splash2.png and grub.cfg
(So there are only three files and less than 5 megabytes total used on the flash drive.)

My grub.cfg text file is as follows (and I have included my own version
of this file in an attachment):

insmod png
background_image /uefi_splash2.png

menuentry "xenialpup64_7.0.8.6" {
search --set -f /xenialpup64_7.0.8.6/vmlinuz
linux /xenialpup64_7.0.8.6/vmlinuz pfix=fsck psubdir=xenialpup64_7.0.8.6 i915.modeset=0
initrd /xenialpup64_7.0.8.6/initrd.gz
menuentry ' '{
menuentry "DpupStretch RC4 32 BIT " {
search --set -f /DpupStretch/vmlinuz
linux /DpupStretch/vmlinuz pfix=fsck psubdir=/DpupStretch pmedia=atahd i915.modeset=0
initrd /DpupStretch/initrd.gz
menuentry ' '{
menuentry "xenial-7.5 32 BIT" {
search --set -f /xenial-7.5/vmlinuz
linux /xenial-7.5/vmlinuz pfix=fsck psubdir=/xenial-7.5 i915.modeset=0
initrd /xenial-7.5/initrd.gz
menuentry ' '{
menuentry "slacko64-6.3.2-uefi" {
search --set -f /slacko64-6.3.2-uefi/vmlinuz
linux /slacko64-6.3.2-uefi/vmlinuz pfix=fsck psubdir=/slacko64-6.3.2-uefi
initrd /slacko64-6.3.2-uefi/initrd.gz
menuentry ' '{
menuentry "tahr-6.0.6 32 BIT" {
search --set -f /tahr-6.0.6/vmlinuz
linux /tahr-6.0.6/vmlinuz pfix=fsck psubdir=/tahr-6.0.6 nomodeset
initrd /tahr-6.0.6/initrd.gz
menuentry ' '{
menuentry "bionicpup64-8.0-uefi" {
search --set -f /bionicpup64-8.0-uefi/vmlinuz
linux /bionicpup64-8.0-uefi/vmlinuz pfix=fsck psubdir=/bionicpup64-8.0-uefi i915.modeset=0
initrd /bionicpup64-8.0-uefi/initrd.gz
menuentry ' '{
menuentry "Shutdown" {
menuentry ' '{
menuentry "Reboot" {

As mentioned earlier in this thread, the file: grub.cfg can be edited with geany.
(each new Puppy iso file (after a left click from ROX) can have its 3 or 4 key files, eg:
vmlinuz initrd.gz zdrv_xxx_.sfs and xxxsave.2fs copied to the
hard drive in their own directory, and the "menuentry" paragraphs can be copied
and tweeked in grub.cfg like new entries can be added to grub4dos's menu.lst file.)
(There is no need for mounting the sda3 partition mentioned in the first post of this thread.)

Next, boot the Dell Inspiron 3552 PC with your USB flash drive plugged in
and hold down the F12 key to get into the DELL BIOS boot-menu.
choose the line with the name of the USB flash drive that you have just made.

Then use the keyboard "arrow" keys to choose the "ISO" to be booted.

Some comments on possible problems or errors:

If you find the different Puppy "iso" versions, when loaded directly from the hard drive,
show repeatedly the Puppy "first run" time zone screen, then Windows 10 has
hibernated (or maybe re-hibernated) your hard drive:

Or if you get the Puppy error message like "Windows hibernated partition"

- press ctrl-alt-del to reboot into Windows 10.

Right click start button and choose: "Command prompt as administrator"
and type in: powercfg /h off

(This turns off hibernation in Windows 10;
you can type "powercfg /h on" if for some reason you want to turn
hibernation back on)

reboot and hold down the F12 key

I hope this forum entry might help other owners of Dell Inspiron 3552 PC's
or even help others with UEFI with grub2 hints.


Limbomusic reminds me to also mention noryb009's entirely different
technique called: LICK (to dual-boot win10 and puppy)

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Re: How to boot Puppy from USB in UEFI computer with Win10

#15 Post by gychang »

oldaolgeezer wrote:How boot Puppy on a UEFI Dell Inspiron 3552 Laptop with Windows 10,
booting into puppy xenialpup64 via a physically tiny Sandisk "Cruzer Fit" 8 GB USB flash drive


Most of the above is thanks to Limbomusic's UEFI suggestions: ... 006#973006
Thanks for the thread. Your instructions are very clear, I have win10 (wife uses it), and on another HD sdb, I have 2 pups (Bionic64, Slacko64) frugally installed each with its own folder used grub4dos. Both installed on sdb2 partition. As it is setup now I have change the bios to CSM when I want to use a pup. So I need to modify grub.cfg.

Any further suggestions or gotchas?
trying to learn puppylinux... :D

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How to boot Puppy from USB in UEFI computer with Win10

#16 Post by oldaolgeezer »

Hi gychang:

Welcome to the world of Puppy !

(My other old computers have Puppy Linux and, if they have a hard drive,
Puppy plus WINXP. They all use fat32 or NTFS data format.)
I had no experience with VISTA, WIN7 or WIN8.
Because I didn't have a WIN10 DVD to restore a possible damaged WIN10,
I wanted minimum changes to my only WIN10 system.
For example, I didn't want to shrink the Dell Inspiron 3552 laptop's single hard drive
WIN10 partition to add a Linux formatted new partition.

I now use my three file flashdrive technique
( ... 41#1038141)
and can boot any of the following Puppies via UEFI and that flashdrive's grub2 grub.cfg file:
xenialpup64_7.0.8.6 64 bit
DpupStretch RC4 32 bit
ScPup-19.09+7 Slackware Current 32 bit
xenial-7.5 32 bit
slacko64-6.3.2 64 bit
tahr-6.0.6 32 bit
bionicpup64-8.0 64 bit
fossapup64-9.0.1 64 bit
precise-light-5.7.2 32 bit
slacko5.7.0 32 bit (CAT5 cable only - no WIFI driver)

The corresponding vmlinuz, initrd.gz etc. files are all in first
directory of the hard drive's NTFS WIN10 partition in their own
Puppy version's folder.

If I don't hold down my F12 key during power up and select a Puppy
with the arrow keys, my WIN10 boots normally (no CSM involvement
either way.)

I don't know if any of the above is applicable to other brands of PC's.

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