We need a Bluetooth Pup-specific How-To

Puppy related raves and general interest that doesn't fit anywhere else
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Joined: Mon 15 Aug 2016, 22:47

We need a Bluetooth Pup-specific How-To

#1 Post by belham2 »

As the title says, the murga forum overall desperately a USB Bluetooth Dongle forum.

Notwithstanding the great bluetooth work from Mistfire, Rcrsn51, Stemsee and Greengeek, I've found so many posts (just doing a little quick search) inquiring and/or asking about bluetooth help for pups, even for simple headsets, that's it's depressing.

No one is really answering and/or providing help with USB dongle problems that are Broadcom-bluetooth-chip related.

And that is a problem Why?


...Broadcom commands over 78% of the bluetooth dongle market. Heck, go to Amazon and see the vast majority being offered there as opposed to Intel-chip-based bluetooth dongles---which, in my experience, work everywhere.

So, any takers want to give those of us pounding our heads against the wall trying to get a Broadcom-chip-based USB dongle to work in, say, Xenialpup or Bionicpup, or even in peebee's creations, want to give a How-To roadmap or writeup?

Thanks to any brave ones out there---I've been having a hammer thought, and it relates specifically about and to Broadcom-based wifi donges I've been trying to get work across Xenial, Bionic, X-SlackoSlim, Peebee's stuff and Barry's Easy OS.

If I had a hammer, I'd hammer in the morning, I'd hammer in the evening, all across the wide Broadcom land

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