Setup FTP Server using Pure-FTPd

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Joined: Thu 15 Feb 2007, 02:05

Setup FTP Server using Pure-FTPd

#1 Post by crackedpepper »

I know there are a few posts on this already but I need more detail.

1st question: When I create a new user using adduser username -h /mnt/home/username I receive a request for a password. Upon typing my password I cannot see any characters, not even stars. Is this a security thing or my letters are just not making it to rxvt? After pressing enter it tells me that I don't have a secure password but I attempt to type the password into the 2nd confirmation prompt and the same thing happens (no letters or characters are displayed). Does this mean no password was entered?

2nd question: When I use the ifconfig command is my local ethnet adapter ip address "inet addr" or "bcast"? I'm assuming its the address listed after "inet addr" but I'm not sure.

3rd question: Assuming that I don't have a password entered for the username that I setup in question 1, could I get to the ftp server by typing ftp://username:@ipaddress or do I need a password for Pure-FTPd to work correctly?

4th question: Do I need to set permissions for the folders that I would like to access through my ftp server in Rox? I'm attempting to access the /initrd/mnt/dev_save directory.

Thanks in advance!

Posts: 9
Joined: Thu 15 Feb 2007, 02:05

#2 Post by crackedpepper »

1. After setting up the server and getting it working I have verified that although no characters are shown, the password is being typed.

2. The ip address to use is listed after "inet addr".

3. I'm still not sure about this but when using a password here is what worked for me: ftp://username:pass@ip:port/ (note the port included in the address)

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