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by Mike Walsh
Tue 30 Jun 2020, 00:09
Forum: Browsers and Internet
Topic: What about Duo instead of Zoom?
Replies: 7
Views: 2992

Hallo, Sheldon. Mm. Well, performing a web seach brought me to this page:- .....which gives a very good overview of the differences between Google Hangouts & Google Duo . Hangouts has been around much longer, but it's primarily a messaging &...
by Mike Walsh
Mon 29 Jun 2020, 10:19
Forum: Users ( For the regulars )
Topic: Light browser chews up 100% of the CPU power
Replies: 9
Views: 3476

@ Les:- I hate to tell ya this, kiddo, but part of the problem might simply be your CPU..! And perdido's suggestion might be worth investigating, too; with video, you want maximum resources to do the job properly. The Pentium 4's were billed by Intel, in the early 2000s, as being "multimedia-re...
by Mike Walsh
Sat 27 Jun 2020, 22:21
Forum: Users ( For the regulars )
Topic: Skypeforlinux installation problems (SOLVED)
Replies: 12
Views: 946

Hi, Phil. Hm. Gnome-keyring, huh? I must know my Skype login details blindfolded by now; I've been trying to figure out for long enough if there's some way to get Skype to remember 'em..... @ bigphil:- PS - thanks for the updates of Google Chrome Portable Mike. Ah, you're welcome. v84 should be out ...
by Mike Walsh
Sat 27 Jun 2020, 09:30
Forum: Users ( For the regulars )
Topic: Skypeforlinux installation problems (SOLVED)
Replies: 12
Views: 946

Mike Walsh, How do you know Quickpet->Info->Bionicpup updates was ever run? Latest update was 2020 jun 03. It was stated that Quickpet was used to install Skype. That did not work. The age was not the issue, yet! Yah; fair comment. Many folks don't seem to know it's even there. Nice to see Phil's s...
by Mike Walsh
Fri 26 Jun 2020, 23:20
Forum: Users ( For the regulars )
Topic: Skypeforlinux installation problems (SOLVED)
Replies: 12
Views: 946

Not when I did it. It goes to the Bionicpup64 repository and downloads the deb package from there. ....which is more than 2 years out of date. That's like, er, not much help, bigpup! But it will take a while to fire up.....after all, it's an Electron app under the skin. That's based around a stripp...
by Mike Walsh
Fri 26 Jun 2020, 23:07
Forum: Browsers and Internet
Topic: FreeTube64-portable
Replies: 3
Views: 2515

@ Fred/Dan:- TBH, I'm pretty certain this isn't at 'release candidate' stage, yet. I think it's quite early days, but then that's normal in the open-source world. We don't wait until an app is 100% functional before publishing ("1.0"); they often get pushed out-the-door at "0.1"....
by Mike Walsh
Fri 26 Jun 2020, 15:08
Forum: Browsers and Internet
Topic: FreeTube64-portable
Replies: 3
Views: 2515


Afternoon, kiddiwinks. Some of you might find this useful, and fun to play around with. It's a general-purpose Electron app that will not only allow you to view YouTube "off-line", but will actually work for ANY "tube" website.....called FreeTube Max Headroom put me onto this ear...
by Mike Walsh
Thu 25 Jun 2020, 17:34
Forum: Beginners Help ( Start Here)
Topic: How to run Wine in Xenialpup 64?
Replies: 12
Views: 455

Guys! Job is not done. In this case you're need to publish instruction how to launch windows app using wine too. I mean third party apps too, not excepting build in apps (who do use wine to launch explorer, calculator, paint, etc). I use portable wine to play old windows version Stars! game. I spen...
by Mike Walsh
Wed 24 Jun 2020, 15:44
Forum: Puppy Power
Topic: Puppy no. 2 in DistroWatch user ratings top 10
Replies: 6
Views: 2583

I never can figure out quite where Distrowatch get their figures from. It's not like the majority of Linux distros go through an official "registration" process like MyCrudSoft & Crapple users have to. Yes, it's nice to see Pup that high up in the rankings, and I would tend to go by us...
by Mike Walsh
Wed 24 Jun 2020, 15:22
Forum: Users ( For the regulars )
Topic: how to ruin puppy ? Rename 1 file
Replies: 10
Views: 1603

I have half-a-dozen Pups currently in the "kennels". It has multiple advantages, not least of which is ease of recovery. All Puppies run from sub-directories on the main sda2 partition. (Sda1 being reserved for all that FAT32-formatted, UEFI boot crap, of course.) In the normal course of t...
by Mike Walsh
Wed 24 Jun 2020, 12:55
Forum: Cutting edge
Topic: How about an official Docker image for Puppy?
Replies: 5
Views: 5537

I know bugger-all about this kinda thing, but it seems to me that perhaps an adaptation of Barry's EasyOS might be a good base from which to work.....since it already uses "containers" anyway?


Just a thought, FWIW.

Mike. :wink:
by Mike Walsh
Tue 23 Jun 2020, 21:57
Forum: Network
Topic: Issues with getting Zoom to run... (Solved)
Replies: 10
Views: 3629

Re: April-zoom

Hi mike, jrb has already rolled out april-zoom iso. Just needs upgrading to latest zoom. Yeah, I know! I already tried it:- See, I have "issues" with Quirky64-lite. It's a lovely Puplet, and it works fine (mostly), though th...
by Mike Walsh
Tue 23 Jun 2020, 09:39
Forum: Network
Topic: Issues with getting Zoom to run... (Solved)
Replies: 10
Views: 3629

Just to update:- Using the .deb package, everything's running OK in Xenialpup64.....with the exception of recording, for some strange reason. But I can live with that; I don't have a need to record sessions anyway. Quirky, however, is a different kettle of fish. It could be because jrb stripped it d...
by Mike Walsh
Tue 23 Jun 2020, 00:08
Forum: Network
Topic: Issues with getting Zoom to run... (Solved)
Replies: 10
Views: 3629

@ Mike:- Okay! I give in, mate; I take my hat off to're absolutely right. The differing .debs do work properly. Up until now I'd been using step's SFS package he originally built for FatDog. FatDog, of course, runs every internet- & network-related app as user 'spot'..... by default ...
by Mike Walsh
Mon 22 Jun 2020, 16:24
Forum: Network
Topic: Issues with getting Zoom to run... (Solved)
Replies: 10
Views: 3629

Issues with getting Zoom to run... (Solved)

Hiya, kiddiwinks. I know Zoom is rather new to most of us at the moment, but ATM I have it behaving itself in both Xenialpup64 7.5 and Bionicpup64 8.0. I've been playing with josejp2424's DPup Buster 64 in recent weeks. When I try launching Zoom - from the terminal - the GUI does appear, but Zoom is...
by Mike Walsh
Sun 21 Jun 2020, 21:26
Forum: Beginners Help ( Start Here)
Topic: No audio Firefox - apulse still missing
Replies: 6
Views: 2774

@ Rolandradio:- If you follow xenial's link, you'll see that you need to tell Firefox to use apulse when it fires up, i.e.:- Exec=apulse /path/to/firefox Apulse lets Puppy carry on as normal with ALSA, while fooling Firefox into thinking that PulseAudio is installed on your system..... Mike. :wink:
by Mike Walsh
Sun 21 Jun 2020, 18:56
Forum: Documents
Topic: Jarte - the end of an era?
Replies: 1
Views: 2064

Jarte - the end of an era?

Evening, guys'n'gals. For anybody who uses the Windows Jarte word-processor, running under WINE, the app appears to have reached the end of the road. Carolina Road Software, the developers of Jarte, used to offer two versions; the "standard" Jarte , and " Jarte Plus ", which offe...
by Mike Walsh
Sun 21 Jun 2020, 00:22
Forum: Misc
Topic: Problems posting on forum
Replies: 67
Views: 16963

@ musher0:-
musher0 wrote:Still friends?
Of course. What's a few typos between friends? It'll take a lot more than that to make me fall out with anyone.......

Mike. :wink:
by Mike Walsh
Sat 20 Jun 2020, 17:18
Forum: Beginners Help ( Start Here)
Topic: How to run Wine in Xenialpup 64?
Replies: 12
Views: 455

TBH, Mike, as far as I'm aware the 32-bit compat SFS is an optional "by-product" of the 64-bit Woof-CE Puppy 'build' process, in the same way that the zdrv is, or the devx & kernel-sources are. I don't think it's actually anything to do with version2013.....unless I've got my facts tot...
by Mike Walsh
Sat 20 Jun 2020, 16:56
Forum: Beginners Help ( Start Here)
Topic: How to run Wine in Xenialpup 64?
Replies: 12
Views: 455

The only thing I'll add to this is that I prefer to get the 32-bit compatibility SFS loaded and set up before going anywhere near WINE. But that's just me.....

Mike. :wink: